Ohioans, please respond!


New member
This is your last chance to get on board one of our busses to Washington DC for the SAS-AIMM rally on Mother's Day.

Round trip busses from Northeast Ohio $26! Bus leaves Saturday nite, 10pm. Arrives DC ~8am on Sunday, ATTEND RALLY 9am-2pm. Bus leaves DC 5pm, arrives back ~1am. No expen$ive overnight stay in Washington!

We need to show the MMMs that they do not speak for all moms (or sisters by proxy aka guys!) Guys are welcome too! Really guys, you don't have to dress funny either!

Join us for this important cause!


Moderator Emeritus
I really wish I could make it Cougar.

You and Mustang Sally have a great trip planned. This bus scheduling will make it more of an investment of time than of money. Money won't be an excuse with a cheap ride like this.

I hope you can fill the busses with Ohioans to support this important cause.

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website


New member
Thanks, guys!(and gals)

Now we're getting somewhere! Our bus from the Cleveland/Akron/Youngstown area is filling fast these past few days!

For those still thinking about it, please contact www.sas-aim.org for the national web site or e-mail the Ohio SAS-AIMM coordinator directly at aimm_ohio@yahoo.com

Remember, just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!