Ohio Judge strikes down CC ban


New member
Way to go Judge Ruehlman. Now how about more clearly defining who can possess a pistol in Ohio while your at it? [Ohio law says anyone under 21 must be supervised by an adult, but you guessed it, seems to define adult as over 18]

So does this mean we have Vermont style carry or am I just dreaming?

Long Path

New member
"Amidst all of the baying from gun opponents is the irrefutable fact that there
will always be people in our society who refuse to follow any rules and how
can never been reasoned with or rehabilitated," Ruehlman wrote. "These
people have no conscience and no qualms about doing harm to innocent
persons. As a consequence, every law-abiding citizen of this state has the
right to protect him or herself with a concealed firearm."

Gawd, but that's byooootiful!

Look, in the interests of keeping our threads tight, I'm closing this one, and we can continue with Ohio Ruling In... in Legal and Political forum.




New member
No way the higher courts will uphold this. Ohio Supreme Court has already ruled that RKBA in Ohio receives "secondary" protection.


New member
Not Gonna Happen.....

Nope, the higher courts have already slapped an injunction on this to prevent the Judge's ruling from being enforced...... pending further investigation and rulings........

CINCINNATI -- A temporary injunction has been issued against a Thursday morning ruling that permitted some local residents to carry concealed weapons.

Judge Mark Painter of the 1st Ohio District Court of Appeals issued a stay Thursday afternoon, WLWT Eyewitness News 5 reported.

The stay temporarily voids a ruling issued Thursday morning by Judge Robert Ruehlman of Hamilton County Common Pleas Court. The ruling declared that Ohio's ban on carrying concealed weapons is unconstitutional.

Another hearing in the case is scheduled for Jan. 22, when it will be determined if the injunction will continue, WLWT reported.

Ruehlman said Thursday morning that the ban unlawfully bars people from carrying guns to protect themselves and their families, WLWT reported.

Law-abiding citizens must have the right to protect themselves against those who care nothing about laws and human life, Ruehlman said.

The ruling was issued in the case of five people who filed a lawsuit challenging the ban on carrying concealed weapons.

Ohio allows only law enforcement officials or officers of the state and federal government to carry concealed weapons.

Attorneys for the city and state said the right to bear arms doesn't prevent the state from regulating how citizens may carry guns.

The ruling only applies to Hamilton County.

The defense argued that the Ohio Supreme Court has previously upheld Ohio's ban on carrying concealed weapons.

Ruehlman's decision contradicted rulings issued by a higher court, according to the defendants.

WLWT Eyewitness News 5 and ChannelCincinnati.com will continue to update this story throughout the day as additional information becomes available

Bob Locke

New member
Just read on another board that the appeals court has issued an emergency injuction halting this ruling from taking effect. Full hearing on 01/22.