ohio gun show blues


New member
i live in Cleveland Ohio. i wanted to buy a kahr pm45. every time i go to purchase a firearm i have to wait 4 days before i can receive it [ background check , delayed ]. i already own 4 firearms and one shotgun.
i always fill out the form completely [ with social security # ]. when i purchase a firearm i want it NOW. i read a report on yahoo.com that stated that a firearm could be purchased from a gun show without a background check. i wanted the kahr pm45 asap.

so i went last Sunday and took a 3 hour trip to the Sharonville Convention Center [ each way ] for a gun show. when i got there i was surprised to see the background check written everywhere , and their prices was the same as my favorite gun store if not $10 -25 more. also they all had the same firearms.
fin feather fur outfitters has more selection . i found a seller with my kahr pm45 for sale and i did the background check...... delayed yet again. in drive an suv so i wasted alot of gas to get there, i was ****** . the salesman told me that he will be in Cincinnati OH , the next week and i could pick up my kahr then , i told him that i could just go to my local gun shop and not have to waste gasoline.
i read in a report that the nyc mayor [ bloomberg ] did an undercover report stating that " gun show laws allow the sale of firearms without a background check because they are private sellers, is this true ?
what is the point of gun shows, their prices are high and it is still the same process as a gun store on top of the $8 fee to enter ? did the ohio gun show laws change ?
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New member
Im not sure how it works in Ohio, but here in Fl at the guns shows the dealers are from their stores. If it's a dealer than by fedral law they have to run a background check if they're an FFL. There are some private dealers at our shows, and don't have to run a background check because they are not an FFL and do not apply to the same rules. They'll usually just make sure you're a Fl resident and have you sign a firearms bill of sale the same way a regular person would sell thier firearm to another person. Down here if you have a CCW you dont have to go through the waiting period, you just provide your CCW and D.L make a $5 phone call to atf for transfering the weapon to you and you're on your way with your new firearm. If the CCW works that way for you up there you should look into that so you don't have to wait the 5 day period. Hope that helps.


New member
i already made a purchase at my regular gun shop [ the same delay as always came through ] but i can pick it up saturday with minimal gas wasted.
im looking for private dealers in ohio so when i got money and i have a firearm itch i can do smarter :eek:


New member
ive been to Stonewall Range in ohio..
they are very expensive. i would only lead an enemy to Stonewall Range ....
so i can laugh at him when his wallet is empty .
real reply's only please
most of the sellers you see at gun shows are actually just local shops. since they are local shops, they already have set prices (because of shop overhead) and they have to do background checks because they are licensed dealers. it is very rare to see an unlicensed individual selling modern guns at a gun show. there is no such thing as a local private dealer. if they can legally sell guns any place other than a gun show, they have to be licensed and have to do background checks. still not sure why you are delayed. mine goes through in 2 minutes every time. is there someone in your area with the same name that killed somebody or something?


New member
it is very rare to see an unlicensed individual selling modern guns at a gun show.

Evan a dealer can sell guns from his/her private collection without a background check. However, most dealers don't do that at shows.

In Florida, the shows' tables are normally dominated by dealers, but there are always a few non-dealers with tables. The big "loophole" is that about 10% of the people come to the gun show looking to sell guns. They carry them around with a sign on them. Probably 50% of the sales that happen are between the people that are carrying guns around rather than from the dealers (and the dealers probably buy as much as they sell).

The dealers are also able to set up a day in advance, and a considerable amount of buying and selling go on before the public is allowed to even enter. Thus, the dealers usually get first crack at the non-dealer tables (ie. all the really great deals are taken before the doors open).

I enjoy gun shows for what they are, and consider the entry fee and gas to be equivalent to going to see a movie. I've gotten some good deals at shows (and got suckered once or twice too), but almost never go with the intention of buying a particular firearm.
Unless you've done something in your past to warrant it or are filling out the form incorrectly I don't know why you are getting delayed. Its an instant check that is done in minutes over the phone or computer.

When buying a gun from someone with an FFL you must always go through a background check. If purchasing from an unlicensed individual no background check is required but they can refuse to sell to you if they wish. So yes, if you find an unlicensed individual selling a firearm at a gun show then you will not have to go through a background check but most guys with tables at shows will have an FFL.

Rarely are you going to find great deals at a gun show anymore. Finding a used gun, a hard to find collectable or wanting to handle a gun in person that is not at your local shop are reasons to go to a gun show. New, modern firearms can almost always be found cheaper online or your local shop. Guys with tables are dealers who have fixed costs they must recover.


New member
From the ATF's website (emphasis mine):

Q: May a licensee who has firearms in his or her private collection sell any of these firearms without making firearms record entries?

A licensee may sell a firearm from his or her personal collection, subject only to the restrictions on firearm sales by unlicensed persons, provided the firearm was entered in the licensee's bound book and then transferred to the licensee's private collection at least 1 year prior to the sale. When the personal firearm is sold, the sale must be recorded in a “bound book” for dispositions of personal firearms, but no ATF Form 4473 is required.


New member
Somehow I feel better buying from a dealer that runs a check. There may be a risk of buying a stolen gun from a private seller. And things can go badly if that happens.


New member
... in drive an suv so i wasted alot of gas to get there, i was ****** .

i read in a report that the nyc mayor [ bloomberg ] did an undercover report stating that " gun show laws allow the sale of firearms without a background check because they are private sellers, is this true ?

IMO, you should be (mad?) at yourself. It's your own fault for actually believing Bloomberg. Really, you thought that you could find a private seller selling brand new in box firearms? There's nothing magical about "gun show laws". If you sold a firearm to your buddy, you won't run a background check, right? That's what Bloomberg is complaining about, that one private citizen can sell to another without a background check.

Don H

New member
Auditor said:
There may be a risk of buying a stolen gun from a private seller.
There's no guarantee that a gun bought through a dealer is not stolen. If it hasn't yet been reported as stolen, then it would not show up as such in a stolen-gun database.


New member
Why are you being delayed in Ohio. Do you have something in your past that's sending up a red flag? I live in Ohio and usually walk out with a firearm in twenty minutes or less.

Shadi Khalil

New member
Why are you being delayed in Ohio. Do you have something in your past that's sending up a red flag? I live in Ohio and usually walk out with a firearm in twenty minutes or less.

It could be that the OP shares the same name with some felon, we seem to know as much as he does...

Getting gun buying advise from Bloomberg, now that's a first.


New member
I believe the Original posters mistake was thinking that gun show means cash an carry.
For long guns that it typically correct, after a back ground check a long gun can be carried home that day.
a pistol on the other hand requires a wait varying in length by the state you live in.
Here in Florida its a 3 day wait. As stated above, get a CCW, and you will be able to buy a pistol and take it home that day.
This is the reason I got my CCW originally, I got tired of waiting for my toys!.


New member
I live in the Dayton area, so this may not be relevant to you, but you asked, so here I go: Try Vance Sporting Goods in Columbus. They have a website with prices, which could save you a drive. I have purchased a gun from Ohio Outdoors in Lancaster, Ohio, and would do so again. In the Dayton area, the three largest are Olde English Outfitters. They also have a website with prices, but it does not always include a complete inventory so a phone call is advised. Vandalia Tactical in Vandalia, Ohio(no website) and Vandalia Range and Armory, also in Vandalia. Of the last three, Olde English usually has the best price. I have purchased from Ohio Outdoors, Vandalia Range and Olde English and carried the gun home when I left. No waiting.
I hope this helps