Oh no... is it RUST!?


New member
Pulled my SA Stainless 9mm 1911 out of the safe today after 6 months and I had a few little dots on it. It came off with CLP but there are smaller marks left.

What can I use to get these off?

Geez... can't let your guard down for one second huh?


In Palm Beach?? No way!

Unless your pistol is made of platinum, gold or titanium, if it is within 15 miles of ocean air and salt water, it will eventually rust...stainless included.


New member
Not Really, I live right off of Tampa Bay.....None of my guns have rust on them. As far as Stainless Steel, I have had a King Cobra since 1986 that I keep in the safe with the rest of them and not a spec of rust. Just got to always clean and wipe them down with an oil cloth after shooting them. If not in use and are storing in the safe, you need to oil them down every other month or so. If its not pitted, Break Free should take it off.


New member
"stainless" steel is NOT stainless, it is "stain RESISTANT" as you just found out...

Flitz, or ecen a paste of baking soda and water, used to polish the metal will "lessen" the spots, and monthly rubdown with oil wil prevent further deterioration...


New member
Even titanium is attacked by chlorine (as in the sodium chloride dissolved in sea water).

Sounds like you missed a few spots in the last wipe down.


New member
I had the same thing happen to a bolt (the shiny part) on one of my rifles. I rubbed it with ScotchBrite and finished up with Flitz. It removed the surface rust, but it remained pitted with tiny (could barely see) black spots.


New member
If you live in a humid area it ain't wise to keep your guns in the safe untouched for 6 months. As you now know.

Six months untouched amounts to long term storage. For that a vapor lock bag is good. Several products are made for long term storage that will prevent rust.

So unless you are planning on that every month or so take your guns out and wipe them down.



New member
I had the same thing happen to me with a stainless gun in a holster... I knew I was asking for it one thing led to another and it had no PM for 6 months.... I never let a good gun go more than 3 weeks without a removal and strip / wipe down.


I use Barricade Rust Prevention on my ruger P345. It had some VERY small rust spots on it and it took them right out with a nice hard scrub. My guns rust from just sitting out in the open all the time. How often should I clean them without over doing it?


New member
The good news is that stainless tends to rust on the surface, almost like a film of rust, before it starts to pit. I have a live-aboard sailboat - trust me. It's impossible for me to keep all my stainless shined all the time. Yeah, there's naval jelly etc, but stay on top of it and it won't damage too much. Others may disagree, bit I've found that a wadding polish (no wax) called Nevr-Dull (sold at boating stores) tends to stay put and gently removes any surface rust. It also takes those blast marks off the front of the cylinder. Just keep it out of moving parts. I've used it on my S&W 686 for years, and that gun stays aboard the boat all summer.
I keep my semis vapor locked when aboard, as mentioned earlier, so my stainless 686 is the "go to guy".


New member
Go to Midway or I got a nice set cheap on E-Bay and get a set of Cratex polishing points and wheels. These are rubber impregnated with polishing compound and come in 4 grits. I scratched my MK-2 Ruger pressing a front sight into a ramp . I went from extra fine to fine to medium and it matched the finish on the barrel and the scratch is almost undectable. Maybe this will help


Topspin, once the pits are there, you can't do much about it. The metal is gone.

I have tried to get some of you guys to try the new autowaxes, like 2000 washes or Nu-tone. If you coat your firearms, stocks, outside metal, and even the bore, you will not have any problems with rust...none. I came up with this in SE Texas when I was at my wits end fighting rust on my guns. After trying all of the rust preventatives on the market at that time, and resorting to thick layers of oil, this auto polish worked. This is that miracle you have all been looking for, with no side effects.:cool:


I have used it mostly on blued guns. When I first got to Jasper I thought nothing of leaving my sweetheart Winchester 9422 propped against the door jamb. In the morning there was a coating of surface rust from one end to the other (we don't use a lot of oil in Colorado). I almost wet myself and after an hour or two I had it cleaned up (no damage) and verywell oiled. I did all my guns that way that evening. I was sitting on the frontroom floor one evening after a good oil and was looking at my brothers car outside when it hit me. I jumped up and went to get a bottle of Nu-finish (I spoke wrong when I said Nu-tone). I cleaned the gun dry and applied it on every part of the gun. I never had anymore trouble the whole time I was there. You can even handle the gun without it coming off, but hoppes will take it off completely. I always, even in colorado coat my guns for long term storage.