Oh no! I LIKE a Ruger...

DT Guy

New member
You may have heard me rail against Ruger's support of the AWB. I still consider them anti-citizen.

That said, am I the only one who thinks that this:
Ruger Deerfield

Would be killer with a hi-cap magazine? Sort of an M-1 carbine on steroids. Too bad 'no hi caps for you' Ruger would never do it...



New member
Reminds me of something...

You know, for awhile I've wanted a Deerfield for something else.

As soon as I turn 18, I want a handgun... Which is obviously illegal in most of the US. I figure it *might* be worth a try to make a SBR Deerfield... Kinda like a .44Mag semi-auto with hi-cap magazine capability.

Am I going crazy? :D


New member
Wolfe, its not illegal in most of the US. Only buying from a licensed dealer is. Buy a used one, or get one as a gift (b-day, Christmas, graduation, 22nd of February :p ). I'm 18, and own two. Both were gifts. You won't be able to get a SBR until you are 21 for sure anyways.

Of course, and local laws may prevent this, but nothing from the feds does.

As for the rifle, buy a used one. No money goes to Ruger. Heck, one of my Ruger's date back to before the GCA.

DT Guy

New member
But four rounds simply isn't evil enough for me...has anyone ever heard of after market hi-caps for a Deerfield?

Light, handy, powerful-it'd make an awesome close-range rifle, I think...



New member
General law is 18 to purchase/own rifle, 21 to purchase/own pistol.
That's what I'm thinking, but I don't know if my state's 21 for buying only or 21 period as far as pistols go.

Btw, does anyone know what the age on SBRs is?