Oh happy day! CMP order shipped


New member
Got this email today.

Civilian Marksmanship Program
1401 Commerce Blvd
Anniston, AL 36207
Telephone: 256-835-8455

Dear CMP Customer

Order# 247xxx which was placed on 03/23/09 has been shipped to:


This order shipped through FedEx Priority Overnight. The tracking number is xxxxxxx

The following are the contents of this shipment:
Qty Item-No Item-Description
--------- --------------- ------------------------------
1 RM1HRACR M1 Garand HRA Correct Grade

I actually mailed the order on Jan 7th and they are so backlogged that is just shipping. I really wish I had ordered a M1 carbine too.


New member
Happy Day indeed. Congrats! Looking forward to the pics.

I actually mailed the order on Jan 7th and they are so backlogged that is just shipping. I really wish I had ordered a M1 carbine too.

I placed my order in the middle of May which, assuming all things stay the same, puts me at middle of November for delivery. Oh well, you know what they say: patience is a...pain in the...

Anyway, hope you don't mind my asking this question in your thread, RT, but:

I forgot to order M2 ball ammo with my Garand and I'm also thinking about getting a carbine. Anyone know if I can add to my existing order or if I need to place a separate order?


New member
My H&R correct grade Garand arrived on Friday. It was covered in cosmoline-- packed in the front and rear sights. I used mineral spirits to get the cosmo off and then put CLP on all the metal and Lubriplate where required.



My wife saw the box hidden in the closet when she got home from work on Friday. Conversation went like this.
Wife- What is that?
Me- Nothing. Ok, It's a Garand.
Wife- Lemme see it.
Me- Isn't it nice.
Wife- Oh wow. That's much prettier than those AR's. Did you buy this for me?
Me- Uh, Yeah sure. It's yours.


At home with its Springfield Armory sister.


New member
Very nice! Have you done any cosmoline removal from the stock?

I got the email stating that my H&R will be delivered on Monday. Too bad I'm in Phoenix. I hope the Service Grade in my box looks half as good as yours.


New member
I hope you enjoy your Garand as much as I enjoy mine. Fortunatly I bought mine before the run on firearms, I live close enough to Anniston, so I was able to drive over and pick mine out. I am sure that you will love it.