Officer Down--Washington State - King County Sheriff's Dept.


New member
Today at about 0330, King County Sheriff's Deputies responded to a shots fired call, in Burien, WA.

One deputy took a man to a separate room to interview him; minutes later, the man shot the deputy, then came from the room with a gun in hand. The assailant was then shot dead by other King County Deputies on the scene.

The wounded deputy was taken to Harborview Medical Center, where he died from his injuries.

No names yet, but it is mentioned that he was 45 y.o., married, and had a newborn adopted son.

Lord, watch over this fallen man's family, and speed him to Your grace.


New member
This is really sad. This man appears to have been the perfect cop: a nice guy, a healthy respect for people's rights, but also aggressive at jailing people who needed to be. He worked as a deputy prosecutor in three WA counties before changing careers. He lived in the community where he patrolled, and was very active in that community.

I wish I could understand how a person can get so off-course in life that they feel forced to kill an innocent person.


The perp was an all-around sociopathic low-life with no regard for the laws of God or Man. I live in the area, and it's local news. The newspaper article said the shooter had an extensive record with numerous stays behind bars. As a felon, he was barred from posession of a firearm. Apparently the cop was an all-around decent fellow well thought of by all who knew him. What a shame. At least the perp won't be sucking up resources with a trial and subsequent incarceration. BTW- my earlier post was based on the incident described as occurring in an "interview room" which I took to mean it occurred at the police station. Obviously I was incorrect.


New member
So the mom of the sub-human piece of garbage that killed the cop was interviewed yesterday. She defended her son by saying that he was "not a bad person" who (in shooting the cop) "did what he thought he had to do" because "they shot first". She makes the outrageous claim that the police fired at her son first from the outside through a window. This despite the fact that the shooting took place in a second story back bedroom with a window not easily visible from any outside vantage point.

Oh it gets worse. Today it was reported that immediately after the shooting, the girlfriend of the sub-human piece of garbage tried to physically prevent medics from treating the cop, assaulting police in the process, and threatening to shoot another one of them.

It was also reported yesterday that the same gun used to kill the cop was used in a gang killing earlier the same day several miles away. I guess we now have a motive . . . .
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