Office shooting in Dallas, TX


New member
FoxNews is reporting tonight that police wounded a man believed to be responsible for an office shooting earlier in the day. The "alleged" shooter was still in the office building when police responded to the call. I don't have any more details right now, I just caught part of the report. They don't have it up on their website yet.


New member
Whoops, I take it back.

Fox does have the story on their website at,2933,42140,00.html

Office Shooting Victim Dies; Gunman in Custody
Thursday, January 03, 2002

ADDISON, Texas — A woman was stabbed repeatedly and shot to death at an office building Thursday morning, and police later wounded the man identified as the assailant.

Dixon Acevedo, 26, was attacked at a first-floor office adjoining the Addison Tower in suburban Dallas. Police responding to the 10:30 a.m. shooting found the suspect still inside.

"Officers confronted the suspect, at which time he was shot by police," officer Brad Freis said. "We don't know what led up to this. Hopefully, that will come out in the investigation."

Acevedo, of Garland, died of "multiple gunshot and stab wounds" about an hour after she was taken by ambulance to RHD Memorial Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Leslie Runnels said.

The suspect, 35-year-old Todd Alex Caro of Dallas, was flown by helicopter to Baylor Medical Center where he was listed in critical condition and under evaluation, hospital spokeswoman Kathryn Goldstein said.

Police said Caro and Acevedo knew each other.

"We've been able to determine that the victim and suspect did know each other," Freis said. "Investigators are trying to determine what that relationship was."

Caro was arrested, but police were conferring with the district attorney to determine charges.

Police wouldn't identify the company. But Michael Pointer, who works nearby, said it was a financial firm.

"I just heard the gunshots and the cops got in there and took care of business," Pointer said. "It was pretty scary. We all stayed in our offices."

Other witnesses said the shooting took place in the back of the building.

"Our people heard five to six shots to the offices to the rear of us," Burt Yarbrough of Addison Foods told Fort Worth television station KXAS.

The Texas Rangers have begun a routine investigation into the police officers' role in the shooting, Freis said. The officer who shot Caro is a six-year veteran who has been placed on administrative leave, Freis said. He was uninjured.

The office building was closed shortly after the shooting, and no workers were allowed to leave or enter.

Long Path

New member
My heart goes out to the family of the murdered woman and the officer who was forced to do his job.

That said, I'm so thankful that this won't go down as merely "another shooting."
