OFF Alert (Oregon)


New member
Oregon Firearms Federation
P.O. Box 556
Canby, OR

Voice: (503) 263-5830
Fax: (503) 263-3708


April 6, 2001


Mark your calendars.

April 23 is the day the hysterical freedomphobes have chosen for an
anti-gun side show at the capitol.

"Stop Gun Violence" is encouraging its supporters to come to the capitol
to convince legislators that school children should be absolutely
defenseless anytime they are in a school or at a school function.

They are demanding hearings on SB 508, a bill designed to put a bulls
eye on the back of every child in school.

If SB 508 were to pass, trained, licensed and responsible adults would
be stripped of their ability to respond to an attack virtually anywhere
school children gathered.

Given that every school shooting was stopped by people with guns (or in
the Kip Kinkle case, young men who had been trained in their use) this
proposal can only be called one thing...deranged.

While it's difficult to fathom where these people come up with their
burning desire to see more children massacred, it's important not to
underestimate them.

What follows is a quote from their latest alert::

"You sent the letters, you made the phone calls, now show them you
really care by coming to SAFE TO
LEARN Lobby Day, April 23rd 8:30am-4pm at the state capitol in Salem.
This is your opportunity to show your
legislators that the gun lobby does not speak for most Oregonians. Come
meet other gun violence prevention
advocates around the state working to build safe and healthy communities
free from gun violence. Don't let the
gun lobby be the only voice in Salem. Speak Up! For More Information
contact Diana at 503/220-1669 or"

Ginny Burdick has been putting on a full court press to push this
demented legislation. She's been telling pro-gun legislators that she'll
"let them have any pro-gun legislation they want" if they'll roll over
on SB508. Of course, this is classic snake oil since she has NO ability
to guarantee that pro-gun bills won't get killed (as promised) by the

The real danger here is that the Senate President, Republican Gene
Derler, has indicated a willingness to let SB 508 move forward and it's
only your pressure that has kept him in line.
(Phone 503-986-1600 E-mail

On the 23rd the bigots who want to attack your ability to protect kids
will be out in force. Now would be a good time to remind Senator Derfler
who he works for.

The most effective communication is still by snail mail, so please
consider using the info below to send Senator Derfler a letter or post
card. E-mail is less effective but still worthwhile and a phone call
follow up doesn't hurt either.

Remember, after they get us out of schools, they'll work on banks and
playgrounds and eventually.. everywhere.

A sample message follows:


Senator Gene Derfler
Oregon State Legislature
900 Court St NE, S-223
Salem OR

Dear Senator Derfler,

You have been under a lot pressure to ban responsible adults with
handgun licenses from schools.

Given recent events, the concept is madness.

Oregon CHL holders have already demonstrated themselves to be a benefit
to the state despite the inflammatory rhetoric of those who hold freedom
in contempt.

Don't be influenced by the noisy minority who want our children to be
targets. Please use your power to bury SB 508 and any other bill that
strips Oregonians of their ability to protect our children.

Very truly yours,