OEM Packaging


New member
Just out of curiosity what do you all do with the boxes that your firearms come in?

I have nearly all the boxes that all my rifles came in.

CZ, FN, Sig Saur, etc.

They are taking up a lot of space in my place but since they are all form fitted to each rifle they are very convinenient if you ever need to move. I can personally attest to that as I recently moved.

So do you keep 'em or toss 'em?


For me, it depends on the gun and on the box.

If it's a gun I might sell at some point, I try to keep everything it came with, including the box.

If it's a really good box, I might keep it to use as a case. Some companies, especially for their handguns, provide boxes that double as cases. Ruger is pretty good about making handgun boxes that are solid cases.


New member
I've kept all the plastic molded cases that the pistols came in. Rifles, except the ar, came in cardboard boxes, which I didn't keep.


New member
I've always kept any firearm box. They are great for moving, storage, and sometimes add value if your selling/trading.

44 AMP

For many years I never kept the boxes new guns came in. Then, later, when I realized that having the original box adds to what some people will pay, I began keeping them, for pistols, anyway, Haven't bought a new in the box rifle in decades.

There is actually a collector's market for just the boxes, rare ones, in good shape do bring more than a few bucks, if you find the right people.


New member
There is actually a collector's market for just the boxes, rare ones, in good shape do bring more than a few bucks, if you find the right people.

Several years ago I was active on ebay and enjoyed selling used handgun boxes that I had found at garage sales, gun shows, auctions, etc.. I had the best luck with old Colt, S&W, and Ruger boxes. I would clean them up, add a hang tag or other pamphlets that might be missing and auction them off. I would always disclose if any of the paper items were repos or original, what, if anything I had done to the box, etc..

It was a fun pastime/hobby and hopefully helped somebody complete their collection.


New member
Here's a couple old threads on this site about gun boxes. One supposedly has a Colt Python box going for $350.



I remember at one time there was a person selling 'counterfeit' gun boxes...IIRC somebody noticed the fraud because at the corner of the cardboard box the paper was either cut at a 45 degree angle or not cut to a 45 degree angle...I remember the corner angle thing I just don't remember which was the original and which one was fake. I do remember thinking there were too many people with too much time on their hands.

My Google-Fu is weak but I did find this article about firearm fakes in general that contained this info:

Finally, there are reports of fake 19th century cardboard pistol boxes being recently manufactured - perhaps not surprising in a market where some rare boxes can bring $1,000 or more.



New member

The concensus seems to be it's better to keep 'em for a multiplicity of reasons. Guess I'll hang on to them.


New member
I keep them because I don’t want them in the trash to indicate that I own guns and the house may have valuable firearms. I do the same thing for any expensive item.
I live in the woods now, but I do opt for a trash service, but I still burn probably 50% of my trash, I don’t like burning toxic plastics and stuff.
After a reasonable amount of time passes and I feel that shipping the item back for warranty is low risk, I burn the boxes.


New member
I keep mine for a while. Once I'm satisfied they aren't going back to the factory I drop the cardboard boxes off at the recycling center. If it is a hard case for a long gun, I tend to keep those. Hard cases for pistols I usually keep for a while, but they eventually get tossed too.

There are a handful of rare guns that will bring a premium with the box if you ever sell. Most common guns might bring you $5-$10 more. Not enough for them to take up space in my house to keep them.