Oddest post or Oddest location while making a TFL post?


New member
Where was your strangest place that you have posted or what was your strangest thread? Or something to that effect.
I'm in an airplane as of now, about 20000 ft above Spokane, WA.


New member
While listening to a car salesman ramlbe on about the "extras" he has to tell us about when buying a new car. My wife kept elbowing me.



New member
While I wasn't posting, a friend and I were browsing the classifieds as an IED went off roughly 200 yds away. Fortunately nobody was hurt.


New member
While in the elevator of the Tower of Terror ride at Disney World. Coincidentally, the ride got stuck for 15 minutes and we were escorted off due to malfunction.

mr kablammo

New member
Can't make a personal claim to exotic posting location or topic. But that damned 'Gunkid' sure posted a lot of 'contrarian' crap.


New member
Just wait for some submariner to step in and say "The bottom of the Bering Sea"


my apartment... wow, you guys lead interesting lives.

Wherever the job takes me... Hopefully it'll take me somewhere down south when I transfer... Damn snow is getting on my nerves, though getting H1N1 hasn't made the shoveling any easier...