Odd stuff

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I did not know where to put this. In a different section someone asked about old powder cans. Quite a few responses. It made me curious just what kind of stuff gun people collected or just plain old picked up while outdoors or while hunting. Seems most of us can not pass up anything. I have antlers, turtle shells, old bottles, clay pipes, arrowheads, pole insulators, marbles, coins and probably stuff in tool boxes I forgot about.


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I'm horrible. If it is usable I want to save it. Last weekend I found a Stanley Thermos while I was walking by the river.

I've found tons of fishing gear. I carry bags with me in the field if I walk in an area heavily hunted for pheasants sometimes leaving with a 5 gallon bucket full of shells and wads. I can't pass up horns. Odd metal things. One day I picked up about 50 railroad spikes. No clue why but I still have some clanking around in the car.


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I used to have a skull collection. Mostly varmint skulls, but some birds, snakes, and stuff like that. Some was from stuff I shot, some were things I found. My mom threw it all out when I was in the navy. :(


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Ruger No. 1's, milsurps, collectible ammo, coins, movies, books, medals, minerals, banknotes, hand tools, tulips and rhododendrons. I'm sure there's more.


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When I was young, 12-13 years old or so, I would collect whiskey bottles discarded along the road and elsewhere, even though we lived in a dry county. For some reason, my mother threw them out one day. :confused: :D


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A bunch of years ago, I decided I wanted to collect rare and not so rare cartridges. This little hobby didn't last long but I still have some of the ones I collected. I have all of the Weatherby cartridges with black tips, sorta like military cartridges. I don't know if they came from the factory this way or if someone decided it would look cool.

Any thoughts?


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Wasn't the original question confined to what people find in the woods?
One time, I found an old tax token stapled to a tree.


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Living in the central Pacific in a former WW2 battle zone I often find interesting items. Once found the site of a US machine gun position with about 300 fired cases marked 1943. or 1944. I took one and left the rest. Finding bullets is common, either US 30 caliber or Japanese. And the occasional 5" unexploded artillary shell which I leave well enough alone. Lots of stuff to see besides wild game.

best wishes- oldandslow
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