Odd Rem 870

Tim Whittaker

New member
I just picked up an 870 from my dealer and it apparently is a Secret Service surplus gun. The catalog # is 24579 and there is no mention on Remington's website. Also the serial # is USSS0XXX. I know that some gun companies will give a history on the gun, date of manufacture, who it was sent to, and so on, for a fee, does anyone know if Remington will do this? [/IMG]

Tim Whittaker

New member
I also took a scan of the back of the owners manual and can't figure out how to post it. If someone will tell me how I'll post it.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Remington had special runs of 870s in the past. One was for the NY prison system in 16 gauge.

Dunno if there's any collector interest in these. Meanwhile, you've got a fine defensive shotgun that's been nicely work polished.....

Tim Whittaker

New member
I have never had a safe queen, but I still haven't shot it yet, it's still NIB. If the gun on the auction goes for some rediculous price it might stay that way, I'd be surprised though.