odd, gun related dream I had last night (long)


New member
The dream starts out with my saying goodnight to a friend of mine as she's about to drive off. There's boogie-woogie music coming from her radio and I tell her how glad I am to hear that kind of music is still alive. She tells me that of everything I've said that night, the fact that I was charmed by the music will be what she remembers most clearly.
She drives off and I turn around to head to my car when I see a man far off to my left who's sitting on a wall. My smile fades a little, but when I take my flashlight from my belt and click it on only to find that it dies almost immediately, I find myself quite worried. I continue to walk up a wooded hill when I suddenly see this guy approaching me and I know, in the way you just know things in dreams, that he's going to mug me. For some reason my response is to start stuttering violently and I'm unable to get any words out. I sound like I'm thoroughly mentally deficient and, ironically, I notice that he's talking the same way but stops when he hears me doing it. He's confused and when I see him start to come at me again I draw my weapon, which was my Kimber compact. This is odd to me since that's my back-up, but helpful, I suppose, since it is stainless and thus visible in the lowlight. He sees the gun, backs up and starts to run off. I watch him and he suddenly turns around to face me again.
At this point I don't hear anything but see a muzzle flash come from him and feel, against my chest, what could be a small, ice-cold waterballoon bursting. I feel cold streaks radiating from a small point in my chest and feel that my left arm is a little difficult to move but it doesn't occur to me that I've been shot. I realize I've been hit, mentally, and groggily take aim at the guy and miss with the first shot. The second shot takes him down but he's still shooting at me, so I take cover behind a tree. At this point I'm more aware of my having been shot and, just like in the movies, I touch my chest and look at my fingers as they come away bloody. Meanwhile, the guy is still shooting and I see bark flying around me and I feel another cold, cold streak across my left arm, plus I find that moving that arm is getting more difficult.
It's at this point that I think I should start running away and I start to make my way up the hill to where my car is. I can feel the weight of my left arm lolling at the end of my shoulder, though I can't feel the arm itself. As he's still shooting after me I duck behind a picnic table and look back at him. Even though it's night time I find that I can see him fairly clearly, some distance behind me, looking for me since, I assume, he didn't see me duck behind the table. I level my pistol with the bench and put his head right in front of the front sight, and I think to myself in the dream how glad I am that, despite the shorter grip-which I notice more when I shoot the weapon with my right hand instead of my left- I'm glad I have the Kimber with its clearer sights instead of my G.I. style 1911 with its teeny G.I. sights, which would be next to useless in the dim light. I steady myself, and the pistol, and squeeze off a round. I see the guy look in my direction just before his head bucks backward and he falls out of sight. I then sort of go limp at that point, exhausted and relieved that at least that part of the situation is over.
It was then that I woke up.

Just a couple of quick points.
I thought it was odd how I acted when he approached me and I behaved as though I wasn't right in the head. I suppose this was my way of putting him off guard, and it worked, to a degree.
The dream also sort of highlighted how nice visible sights are in low-light situations. Although, in the dream, I had the time to aim properly and use the sights.

Well, that's it.
Any thoughts? Anyone else with a dream they'd like to share?


New member
About halfway though a dream like that, I would have decided I didn't like it and changed it.

Only comment I can offer on the dream itself is that you may be subconsciously trying to justify the purchase of your kimber compact. That's about as Dr. Phil as I get.


New member
What i'm still trying to figure out is,what it is about this website that makes people divulge their most intimate thoughts and dreams to pure strangers?............:p ;)


New member
OK....Maybe I shouldn't have used the word *strangers*...

How about*people who are not in your imediated facinity*..;)

Or *non DNA -related individuals* ;)


New member
its that whole 'anti-social' thing for me. dont have to see none of their faces or watch their expressions of disgust or horror when they discover what i really am like. people in my IMMEDIATE VICINITY no longer have the privilege afforded to you faceless strangers.

Brian Gibbons

New member
Interesting Dream ...

I've had a few 'gun related' dreams where all I do is sort brass. Is that normal or am I just really unimaginative ???


New member
This is weird...

Had this one the other night. Very detailed, moreso than normal...

In the dream, I got a new neighbor, who turned out to be a topless dancer in an Illinois club (never, to my knowledge, have I had a dancer for a neighbor). I somehow know (used to work in a "gentleman's club when I was younger) that she's new at it, and managed to hook one of her customers a bit too hard... So it's 4:30 ayem in the dream when it starts (and for some reason I'm up), and she runs in my back door, crying that there's someone following her, and points toward my front door, which faces her door... I go in my gun room, grab the first thing I see, which was (very clearly) my Bushy Dissipator, stuff in a mag, and walked to the front door. Across the hall there's a guy in a very rumply suit, obviously blotto, kicking on her door, alternating between cries of love, and cries that he wants his money back. I asked her what she did, and she told me he'd gone for a half dozen lap dances... So I walk to the front door, and yell out that Bubba should leave, or I'm gonna call the cops. He starts on my door, so I dial the cops on my cell phone. Doesn't work too well, and they can't figure out where I am, even with me telling them my address over and over. I pull up the shade on the window, and show the guy the gun, and he yells that it's a toy, and starts kicking harder. He's got a knife now - one of those old folding bucks... The door opens, and I unload the magazine. Then I woke up...