Obama's Acceptance & INVESCO Field

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"Breaking the mold of traditional political Conventions, Senator Barack Obama will accept the Democratic nomination for President of the United States at Denver’s INVESCO Field at Mile High. INVESCO Field can accommodate more than 75,000 people and will be the site of the 2008 Democratic Convention’s final day of programming on Thursday, August 28, 2008." DNC website

Does the imagery and pageantry of charismatic Presidential candidate Obama accepting the Democratic nomination in a major athletic stadium in front of 75,000 fanatical supporters conjure up anything disturbing or recall previous historical events?

I am getting an increasingly queasy feeling as BHO in conjunction with his idolizing supporters and fawning media is portrayed in an ever increasing cult worshiping manner.

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New member
It will be interesting to see if anyone will run comparisons of the great rallies at Nurnberg to the great rallies staged in Denver.

Nothing like change, particuarly to older, darker ways of doing things.


New member
So what you're saying is that because he will accept the nomination in a stadium, it's fair game to compare him to Hitler. Right... Yeah that seems totally reasonable. And nice touch with the "radical supporters" weasel wording. I suppose you will soon compare any Obama supporter that is young to the Hitler youth as well? I suggest you apply another layer of tinfoil as your current level of protection seems to be totally inadequate.

I give this thread a 2/10 in terms of the quality of the flame baiting.


New member
Tibu ... Did I hit too close there?

And nice touch with the "radical supporters" weasel wording
Gee guy ... I didn't think the use of radical was such a bad choice that would warrant a condemnation for a simple thought provoking question. Oh well, In the spirit of fairness I'll change it just for you Tibu. I'll take out radical and insert fanatical. This is a much better description don't you think?

I suppose you will soon compare any Obama supporter that is young to the Hitler youth as well?
Gosh, your way ahead of the curve. Perhaps, you've received advance notice ahead of a DNC announcement? After all, it's all about change.



New member
When people swoon, women giggle and in general starry eyed it may have been ok with a pop star like Elvis but when it happens over a politician it shows a lack of maturity and or common sense but in general our public schools worked there magic over the past 30 years and this is the end results.:(


New member
Considering the Democrats are getting tax-free gasoline while telling you that dropping the tax to give consumers a break is, at best, a "gimmick"....well, figure for yourself.


New member
Perhaps when you combine the imagery of a mass rally in a major sports stadium, speech's in Berlin to tens of thousands and BHO's call for a "Civilian National Security Force" along with the socialist agenda, people begin to connect the dots. Call it what you will, but with the mass media primarily supporting the chosen one it is becoming eerily reminiscent of previous historical events.

It's been said before ... History repeats it's self.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Godwin was invoked in the first post, second paragraph. The first response was just clarifying the implied image.

I think I've had enough visages of Hitler/Nazis for one week.
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