Obamacare’s Second Amendment Trojan Horse

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Here is the link to an article I got from Yahoo News this morning < http://cnsnews.com/commentary/kenneth-kopf/obamacare-s-second-amendment-trojan-horse >.

It is a follow the bread crumbs as to how Obamacare with it's mandates is a threat to anyone's Second Ammendments rights who has ever been or may receive any kind of mental treatment.

I could not get any clear vision if these data bases would retro activitely contain past history of mental treatment or only what is collected going forward.

I thought the article was well written and talked about how this collected information could be used in a positive way but also how it could be abused by an anti gun administration.
You're only just becoming aware of this? This has been a concern of many pro-RKBA people since Obamacare was first passed -- or even before.


New member
You're only just becoming aware of this?

This has been a concern of many pro-RKBA people since Obamacare was first passed -- or even before.

I thought this article put it into context in a way worthy of discussion. If not this thread will die a natural death and I will not try to keep it alive.


New member
You want to know what to expect once Obamacare is fully implemented? Take a look at what our military vet's are having to deal with. Enjoy!
We're off on the wrong foot already when we can't refer to the Affordable Care Act by its proper name. There have been a few threads on this issue before. Searching for...ugh..."Obamacare" will bring them up.
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