Obama Praises Australian Gun Ban

James K

Member In Memoriam

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
By referencing Australia - he clearly comes down on the side of bans on modern sporting rifles (haha - that phrase was supposed to be the magic mantra to save our guns) and confiscation.

I did hear him say something about sportsmen (but not with modern sporting rifles) and responsible gun owners. Oh, maybe that is the 30K shotgun crowd.

However, I don't think we will see new laws get through the house certainly. Cantor's fate has probably put the fear of God in the GOP. Same in the Senate. Doubt we will see any of the GOP there stand up for gun control.

Sorry to be political - that's how I see it.


New member
And, of course, he conveniently omits any reference to his former Chicago with it's murder rate and draconian gun laws that don't work.

Politicians at work...


New member
He's showing his true colors on this one. Doubtful it will have any impact other than the usual follow up comments by Schumer and the like. Glenn is correct on the GOP! They'll be even more wary of gun legislation.


New member
I still hesitate to predict what limits might actually exist as he prepares more "executive action"
given that has he's already shown that he's effectively thrown any/all Congressional prosciption
in the ash heap and is fully prepared to simply weather (i.e., ignore) any fallout that might ensue.

In the last several months I believe he has literally turned to the playbook chapter entitled: "Just Do It."
Barring conviction in the Senate (never happen), he's bombproof.


P5 Guy

New member
Was Australia having a lot of 'gun crime' before the twit shot up the place in Tasmania?
Obviously if there was NOT a lot of 'gun crime' before the confiscation I'm doubtful that there will be a lot of 'gun crime' perpetrated by law abiding folks.
Too bad Obama is frustrated that the congress critters won't join him in ignoring the U.S. Constitution.


New member
I think Obama is speaking as a person who owes everything to a group of supporters that could never hold power by the vote, but they do have power through puppets. I have no idea how Obama thinks on any issue and have come to the conclusion that he's not the one to study on issues.


New member
He was unmasked before his first election . But 52% of the Country does not care about such issues they are more concerned about what He will give them . Free stuff .
He has nothing to lose but the D's will take a beating for it in the next couple of election cycles. Bring it on, Mr. President. He will blunder this for his constituents much like he has blundered everything else.


New member
And, of course, he conveniently omits any reference to his former Chicago with it's murder rate and draconian gun laws that don't work.

You know full well that the ceaseless 'gun violence' in Chicago, DC, etc., is due to lax gun laws in places like Vermont and Alaska...



New member
He has nothing to lose but the D's will take a beating for it in the next couple of election cycles. Bring it on, Mr. President.

I’m not so sure, but I guess we’ll wait and see. I suspect about 30% of voters agree with Mr. Obama on gun control. The remaining 70% are somewhere between NRA member and indifferent. I believe it’s very important for us to seek ways to win over the “fence sitters”. That’s why many of us are so passionate about conducting ourselves in the proper manner when we carry a gun in public.


New member
Look, a squirrel!

That's what went through my mind when he went after guns(again). I mean, it's not like anybody is raking him over the coals for trading 5 terrorist leaders for one deserter.


New member
conveniently omits any reference to his former Chicago with it's murder rate and draconian gun laws that don't work
One of the articles I looked at yesterday had a commenter saying in regards to the high crime areas of places like Chicago: "Even the strictest gun laws won't work if the entire country doesn't have them in place."

So all the inner city murderers will stop killing if the rest of the country bans guns, huh?


New member
He's extremely limited in what he can do by executive fiat.

Thus far, about all he could do is fiddle with imports (all those nice M1s rusting away in a South Korean warehouse makes my heart heavy) and try to work behind the scenes with banking regulations (the recently revealed attempt to make firearm loans and banking difficult to do). Really, I'm not sure what else he CAN do without Congressional help. I certainly don't believe that he had a whole list of possibilities before him for the last couple years and he's just thought "Well, I'll only do these little ones and leave those for later."

Nope. If he could, he has. At least for the stuff he (and his political pals) could think up, anyway. It's more of just the petulant cry from someone who has realized the actual limits of his power and is trying to motivate those of like minds to help him get more done.


New member
Its not Obama to worry about its the power behind him and who they can get in office next . Its not about safty either its disarmament . Obama has laid some good ground work for them . You can show the leadership of the left all day that firearms are not the problem they alread know that but some of us stand in the way of thier socialist bliss and they want us unarmed . But this is a firearm forum and not a political forum and I'm struggling to pull punches so I don't get banned . I will stop at that .
Was Australia having a lot of 'gun crime' before the twit shot up the place in Tasmania?
Violent crimes did fall after the National Firearms Agreement, but they were already in decline as early as 1991. It's hard to gauge what effect the ban actually had, especially since compliance is estimated to be only about 20%.

Would violence decrease in the US if such a sweeping ban was introduced? Possibly over a long time, as the pool of available guns would limit supply to the criminal market through theft and straw purchases. However, I'm not willing to stake my rights on mights and maybes.

The President came into power while his party had a supermajority in Congress. If he wanted to push for gun control, that would have been the time. However, let's remember that the Manchin-Toomey bill only failed by 8 votes in the Senate last year. Depending on how things go in the midterms, that margin could easily shrink.


New member
He's going to have a big problem when those pictures of the piles of Australian sporting arms being cut up for scrap start being shown here again.

Could see 8 million NRA members by 2016 election time.


New member
Could see 8 million NRA members by 2016 election time.

While eight million NRA members sounds good we need to remember that over 120,000,000 people voted in the last election. One of the big focuses of folks like Bloomberg is to recruit more of them to his anti-gun campaign. In the past gun control efforts have been more top down and many Americans were quite frankly pretty indifferent. However, this new effort is hoping to engage people at the grass roots level to place more pressure on politicians. I think we would do well to pay attention to what’s going on.


New member
While eight million NRA members sounds good we need to remember that over 120,000,000 people voted in the last election.


But the margin of victory was about 5 million votes. I wonder how many of the NRA's current membership voted for Obama. Or how many others were on the fence and didn't vote. Or yet others who may be otherwise politically aligned with Obama but can't stomach the thought of pulling the lever for someone hard core pro-gun control.

It doesn't take that much to swing things. Even Obama carefully avoided gun control in the run-up to the election... the guy who never saw a gun control proposal he didn't like tried as hard as he could to avoid any mention of the issue in not just his first election but also his second.

Gun control may not be an issue that is guaranteed to bring a loss to its proponents but even in areas that have been trending to the left it's still not an issue that's going to help them- and they know it.

Don P

New member
Well if Mr. President feels that way in 2 years he can pack his bags and move there or can leave early for down under, like now.:D