Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash

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New member
I came across this interesting article on Facebook.

This time WE WON and OBAMA LOST.

My thoughts on the situation are that President Obama is making enemies of and enraging the very people he depends on to protect the United States and enforce his executive branch orders. Far and wide, throughout the military, police forces, ex-military, etc, etc, he has raised anger and out right contempt.

We are not a group of out of touch nuts Mr. President, its the anti-gun nuts that have over stepped the bounds. You've angered not a bunch of gun toting rednecks, or whatever vision you have in your Chicago community organizing mind, you've angered the for real warrior class.

Your anti-second amendment agenda will not stand and we will go to any extreme to make sure of that fact.
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New member
We need more OATH KEEPERS! If Obama forces firearms regualtions that strangle the common honest tax paying citizen gun owner, then this country could very well fall into civil unrest.

I WILL NOT turn in my guns! PERIOD!


New member
I'm with you brother. I'm no insurrectionist, I come from a long line of patriots. Me and most all my forebears served in the US Military. There are millions more like me. Trying to disarm us is a fools errand.
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