Obama Calls for Permanent Assault Weapons Ban


New member
Yes, he has also said that he wants to ban all semi-automatics. Obama is about the worst we could possibly get.


"From South Central L.A. to Newark, New Jersey, there's an epidemic of violence that's sickening the soul of this nation," the Illinois senator told the crowd. "The violence is unacceptable and it's got to stop."

Yes, by banning and arresting and KEEPING locked up the angry, violent young gang members. Not the tools they misuse.

*flees PC police*....

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Always can count on the Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Many people would want the GOP out of office due to Bush's total incompetence in Iraq. Also, the tendency of the GOP to be authoritarian on social issues, blur the boundaries of church and state, support the rich over the working folk, etc. have made the country (out side of the hard core) uneasy with them.

Thus, how can the Democrats get some of these folks to hold their nose and vote Republican! Easy - gun control again!

Faced with another Republican moron vs. one from the Democrats - I'll vote Vegetarian or for Vulcan Monarchists.

I'm come to view that we need to abolish both parties and be able to vote for candidates based on their own abilities and ideas - not loyalty to morons and parties.


Multiply registered, multiply banned troll.
I'm come to view that we need to abolish both parties and be able to vote for candidates based on their own abilities and ideas - not loyalty to morons and parties.

100% agreement

El Barto

New member
I for one am glad that Obama is running. I am glad because he will lose and after that he will fade into obscurity and will no longer be a threat.

I believe that what you are hearing about him and Hillary is all hype and that when it comes down to it, most people are going to know that he is just an empty suit with very little political experience that got lucky at the polls.

I also believe that while most people in the US are open minded, the people that actually vote still want a non-threatening white guy to be President. There isn’t much to choose from now, but I would like to see Colin Powell somewhere in the mix.

Harry Callahan

New member
[/I'm come to view that we need to abolish both parties and be able to vote for candidates based on their own abilities and ideas - not loyalty to morons and parties.PHP]

Fantastic idea. I am so disappointed in Republicans right now and trying to find a good Democrat is like finding hen's teeth!


New member
Osamabama...come on democrats is this guy for real? Unfortunately, Hillary :barf: may be their candidate. God help America.


New member
And the best part of all this is that there will still be those who will vote 3rd party, or for unelectable candidates to "teach the republicans a lesson". The writings on the wall folks. Whether its president hillary or obama or both on the ticket which is the likely choice, the best thing that anyone can do for their rights is to defeat these two.

In certian instances a vote against is more important than a vote for, and this happens to be one of those times.


Ron Paul = Ross Perot

And that's just the hard truth. It's spitting in the wind. The guy has like ONE staffer and has no concept of when to keep his mouth closed or who not to talk to.


One of the things we all ignore sometimes is the long unlamented end of the Imperial presidency.

Quite frankly...who gives a hoot what any of them say about gun control. Its those 50 guys in the Senate and whatever number in the House that count since they can feel your wrath so much more directly.


Marko Kloos

New member
And the best part of all this is that there will still be those who will vote 3rd party, or for unelectable candidates to "teach the republicans a lesson". The writings on the wall folks. Whether its president hillary or obama or both on the ticket which is the likely choice, the best thing that anyone can do for their rights is to defeat these two.

Could be that having a Democan in the White House will cause the Republicrats to get off their complacent duffs and actually give a hoot about the Constitution for a change. Even if they don't, just the good, old-fashioned partisan bickering will mean gridlock, which is a win-win situation for the country.

Also, like WA pointed out, the President has very little actual power to ban guns (unless he/she does it via Executive Order, like Bush 41 did in 1989 with the AW import ban.) Congress is the place where laws are passed, POTUS only only signs or vetoes them.

Obama and Osama both want us disarmed.

OMG! Obama and Osama! Those names sound very much alike! It's almost like they're the same! That's so clever. I never even thought of that before.


Multiply registered, multiply banned troll.
Ron Paul = Ross Perot

And that's just the hard truth. It's spitting in the wind. The guy has like ONE staffer and has no concept of when to keep his mouth closed or who not to talk to.

Ha ha, can you make it one thread without bashing Paul?

And the guy does have more then one staffer, what would be impressive though is that if really did only have 1 staffer sinced he has raised more money then McCain.