Obama/Biden Supporters: Bring on Biden's case for VP

Alright, I think we've had enough of the garbage brought on about Palin. It's time to discuss if Biden has what it takes to be VP.

I'd like parameters of discussion to include:

1. FACTS on his voting record
2. FACTS on his executive experience, IF any available
3. Stances he has taken on issues
4. What specific isssues YOU believe are important for Biden to hold the office of VP and WHY.

I ask to keep the issues at hand WITHOUT the thread taking a nose dive. I don't want a repeat of Palin style closures.
Wow! Simply amazing. ONE response in almost 24hrs.

So, what gives? All this talk and questions raised about Palin's issues, yet can't even come here to post your VP's history? My observations are clearly being supported.

Maybe you need a jumpstart.

How about his health? Doubters of McCain's age should also know that Biden had two brain aneurysms that had to be surgically repaired? Why isn't this questioned? He had them before, just like McCain and his skin cancer. Why isn't there talks of HIS health?

He'll be 66 years old soon after the election. Why isn't HIS age questioned?

Biden stated in 2002 that Saddam Hussein was a threat to national security, and that there was no option but to eliminate that threat. In October 2002, Biden voted in favor of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq, justifying the Iraq War. So, how does a person rationalize voting for the Obama/Biden ticket when one claims to be against the war in Iraq?

Biden himself urged McCain to run on the Kerry ticket. Why? Is he that confident to have McCain as a VP? Quite interesting if Biden wants to say anything nasty to him now, wouldn't it.

That's just a start.


New member
Biden likes to hear himself talk too much. I read somewhere that he is the third most liberal senator and Obama is No. 1. Those are reasons enough for me not to want him as a vice president.
Another 20+ hours since a single post. I guess people that are voting for Obama either don't know anything about the VP they're getting or really don't want to admit his "accomplishments".:rolleyes:

Citizen Carrier

New member
I'll just say that out of the four people running on the two tickets, Biden is the third most qualified to hold the job he's running for.

Okay, you get three guesses to name who the least qualified is!


New member
He's been around long enough to visit a few more states than O. 64 or something like that according to his campaign.

Citizen Carrier

New member
Well, Biden probably has never threatened to initiate unilateral military operations in Pakistan without their consent--an ally nation--thus causing the government there embarrassment and loss of face while on the brink of losing the country to islamic fundamentalists.

Nope. Biden has waaaay too much experience to say something dumb like that. I'll give him that much.

Too bad Obama said that...


New member
No Replies? Hmmmm.....

I would submit that perhaps a firearms fourum is not the place to find a Joe Biden supporter who is willing to join you in a childish, pre-determined and tightly restrained debate. Maybe if you start a debate on who is smarter, Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh you will get more replies?

I am voting for Sarah, cause she is pretty good looking in that bookish, "Tina Fey" kinda way. Plus, she is a flip-flopping liar just like everybody else. Bridge to nowhere anyone?


New member
I would submit that perhaps a firearms fourum is not the place to find a Joe Biden supporter who is willing to join you in a childish, pre-determined and tightly restrained debate.

One would expect at least a couple of the very vocal Obama supporters around here to speak up for their VP.