NZ Police kill bystander in the Cross fire.

Death from Afar

New member
Tragically, some moron did a high speed car chase through Auckland firing at the police. When his vehicle was stopped, he emerged and presented a firearm at the police. The Police returned fire, and a stray round hit a bystander killing him. Difficult to see how anything could have prevented this, but would be interested to see what other LEO's think...


New member
Seems like a very hard position for both sides. One one hand, letting a felon loose with a rifle seems like a bad idea, on the other hand, hitting and killing a bystander is equally bad.

Hopefully police and the family can reach a settlement and be on with their lives. =\


New member
I am sure an investigation is required but I can not believe the officer is at fault here. (based on the article)


New member
IMO, unless there is some obvious negligence on the part of the LEO, the guy running from the police should be charged with murder. He is resposible for all deaths resulting from his actions during the crime.


New member
"difficult to see how anything could have prevented this."


How about the moron just pulled over for the police and surrendered without pulling out a daggone handgun!

There's the guy responsible.

The criminal that started the whole mess.


New member
B.N.Real: It was an illegally sawn off Ruger 10/22.
They are talking about compensation for the family. Cannot return the son but "will make things easier"

Death from Afar

New member
How about the moron just pulled over for the police and surrendered without pulling out a daggone handgun!

There's the guy responsible.

The criminal that started the whole mess.

I Think that really goes without saying!


New member
Since we have very limited information as to layout, people, distances, etc, I'll pass no judgement on this specific shooting but in my opinion the burden should be on the officer. While I support LEO, they are still responsible for their behavior. Remember Jeff Cooper's 4 rules of gun sfety. There are only 4. If the officer had innocents behind his target, he either needs to get a better position, allow another officer to shoot or be more accurate. There is no way not to question the officer's judgement and /or shooting. Sorry, just can't condone shooting no-shoots. I hope the investigation is fair to both sides when all the data can be carefully analyzed but I doubt if anybody involved will be satisfied. What a tragedy.


New member
Know your target, backstop, and beyond.

While I support LEO, they are still responsible for their behavior.

Like it was said, no one here was there. No one should lay blame. It could have been shoot or be killed, the suspect could have turned his gun on anybody around...anything.

No judgement here.

Bad situation all around.