NYPD Kahr 9 trigger question


New member
I found this police officer in New York who wants to sell his K9 with the NYPD factory trigger. It has a 1/2" pull instead of the standard 3/8". How hard would it be to change the trigger back to a shorter pull? Would this entail simply changing some parts and springs, or would the job be more difficult and expensive than it is worth? The gun is priced right, so the longer trigger is the only thing that might give me pause. Thanks for any help.


The only difference between the two is the trigger body and the striker spring. I did some research because I want to eventually buy a MK9 and install a NYPD trigger on it.

You might want to consider keeping it as is and learning to shoot the longer trigger. Might save your bacon someday if you fumble.

If not, the parts are available from Kahr.


New member
Thanks for the info Handy! What is the trigger body (part#009K9S)? The striker spring is just the 010K9S spring right?


Call and place your order with a tech. I don't want to be responsible if there is a little bushing or something I'm forgetting.


New member
Might want to check why he is selling the K9 first --- Kahr has spotty quality and my MK9 was horrible, I would not want to trust my life to one of their pistols and suspect the NYPD might be finding that out as well, though if Kahr is smart they will atliest try and get the ones with the NYPD trigger right from the start

Eric Larsen

New member
I beg to differ.......Kahrs are NOT spotty quality....the first gen poly guns had some teething probs but their steel guns are as good a they get. My family has had a dozen K/MK series guns and they have all been PERFECT! They arent 100%, but what gun company is??????????????//

To answer your question, the 1/2" trigger pull is their STANDARD trigger. The Elite trigger reduces it to 3/8" and lightens the pull slightly...........you can have one installed by a smith at Kahr. Wolff also offers a spring that was designed by Wilson Combat for their Kahr gun in the 90's that lightens the striker spring weight from 6 to 5#'s......its basically a 4$ trigger job that really works.

Kahrs are the only smaller 9mm/40 to get approval for NYPD.......if thats the case, why are they junk????????? Simply put they arent.

Shoot well............


New member
Eric I'm sorry but no Kahr quality is spotty I’m being fair and generous when I say that as yes some people do report good luck, however from a wider perspective of the company and their product line I’m sorry they are spotty…. at best. I am glad your family has had good luck with them, I frankly would not wish a bad Kahr on someone else, hence my warning to inqure as to why the officer in question was divesting himself of the Kahr .

1. Every one of their new pistols going back to the K9 has had problems when first released, you note the polymer guns had teething problems, Ayoob notes the initial K9 as well as the MK series and there were also problems noted with the 40 cal Kahrs when released. That a new product from a maker could have problems is understandable, that every new product has problems --- not acceptable. So no we don’t have teething problems with a new model, we have a company that has inadequate pre-release testing and engineering of their product.
2. We Have a company that insists that their product be worn in to work. I understand every new pistol may have a few problems – in the first several hundred rounds --- OK. Mine had a FTF every mag with ball ammo, sometimes more than one per mag and I was told by Kahr that this was normal, even after the “break in”. Said to just keep shooting it things would get better. Other Gun makers can make a pistol that works a heck of a lot better if not perfect out of the box why can Kahr not? Why if Kahr is such an advanced pistol company that has it’s origins in advanced CNC machine work can they not take a pistol that has broken in quanitate what is diffirent about it then make all the guns that way so they work when new? It’s not some dark art folks, it’s a basic engineering problem that could be overcome if someone cared to. Frankly I’d hazard a guess a heck of a lot of it has to do with keeping tolerances better and putting a better surface finish on some of the internals --- feed ramp, and chamber would be a good place to start, not having the barrel bead blasted so that the bearing surfaces of it are rough would probably be another good idea, fitting the barrel hood to the slide better (especially since it has considerable less area than other pistols of the same caliber) so it does not start to peen after 600 rounds would also be great ideas. None of these things would cost tons of money to address.
3. Customer service is poor ---- Had to get my dealer involved to get any action what so ever on the Kahr I owned, factory insisted just keep shooting past the 200 round break in period and it will get better. Even when returned from factory pistol was not reliable enough for me to consider it as a self defense weapon and gun was returned from the factory dirty in the extream --- had been returned cleaned and oiled. How rude could a warranty repair department be? Where is pride in craftsmanship and going the extra mile to make up for a pistol that should have been right to begin with? How many people here would tolerate that from a car dealer? Of course they know that one is not likely to ship the gun back and ask for it to be cleaned.
4. Overall the quality of the gun I owned was very poor, in addition to it not functioning well at all, it came from the factory with a buggered grip screw --- asked to be replaced when returned to the factory but not, several burrs and machine marks on the inside of the slide and frame rails, and tool chatter marks that make it look like it was cut with a dull cutter by a 9th grader making a metal shop project --- not the product of an advanced CNC company.

So yes, I’m sorry I do consider the Kahr quality to be spotty and with how they sell themselves and what they charge they should be a lot better for every gun they sell.

Eric Larsen

New member
Point taken, sorry you have back "Kahr-ma" :rolleyes: Ive had excellent luck with them, moreso than the CZ's I love so much.

Shoot well........


New member
MK9 2003 elite owner here, no problem in hundreds of rounds, accurate,
mild recoil, "excellent" trigger and I never liked DA only. Most of the problems
I have seen with Kahr is with the polymer frames.


New member
Good to know that It's been so good, though 150 is 50 short of "broken in" as per Kahr owner's manual. Any reason as to why they are getting rid of it?