Nylon 66 experts chime in

I'm trying to date my apache black 66...I found this on the web...

"Actually, the key to manufacture date on your Remington Nylon 66 is not the serial number, but a stamping on the barrel. There will be two letters, the first being the month, and the second being the year. Here's a quick rundown.

B=Jan L=Feb A=Mar C=Apr K=May P=Jun O=Jul W=Aug D=Sep E=Oct R=Nov X=Dec As you will note, this forms the acronym BLACKPOWDERX, which is easy to remember.

The year codes are E-1958,F-1959,G-1960,H-1961,J-1962,K-1963,L-1964,M-1965,N-1966,P-1967,R-1968, S-1969,T-1970,U-1971,W-1972,X-1973,Y-1974,Z-1975,O-1977,Q-1978,V-1979,A-1980,B-1981,C-1982,D-1983, E-1984,F-1985,G-1986,H-1987,I-1988,J-1989,K-1990. Note that there are duplicates. Early guns had no serial number. Mid-production guns had no-prefix serial numbers. Later production guns had A-prefix serial numbers. Light or partial stampings can be confusing. View carefully with a magnifier. The two letters are right in front of the rear sight along the barrel on the left side of the barrel."

My barrel is marked J R and a third letter that might be an A but can't be sure...so it looks like my gun is from 1968 but I can't figure the month...unless the above info is wrong...


New member
Does it have a serial number? If it does, it was manufactured after 1968. Nylon 66s were not serialized prior to that time. The serial number would be on the left side at the bottom of the action shroud.

Red Tornado

New member
The above info looks correct, at least for the month. The first letter shouldn't be a J, check closely to see if it's a weak strike, and actually another letter. The full Remington date code list can be found at rimfirecental.com/forums. Scroll down to the Rem forum, and there's a sticky at the top.

If that doesn't help any, try cross posting there. Also there's a Nylon 66 group on Yahoo, I think? Yep, found it, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Nylon66/ That should get you connected with the real Nylon guys.
Good luck,