NY Times and Machine Guns

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Reading The Gun by Chivers - very interesting book.

In it, he mentions that the NY Times (so antigun) during the Draft Riots of the Civil War bought Gatling guns. The Times was pro-Republican and proUnion. When draft rioters wanted to attack the Times for their support of the war, the Times rolled the Gatlings out the windows of their building and the rioters (having some common sense) dispered.

How times have changed.

However, during the recent financial crisis, it is reported (but debated) that Goldman Sachs bankers applied for pistol permits as they thought there might be a populist uprising against the bank. I supposed they thought guillotines would be set up on Canal Street.

That might head off the next financial crisis, I suppose.

The increasing gap in income between rich and poor does predict a surge of firearms sales and wicker baskets.

Evan Thomas

New member
Glenn E. Meyer said:
The increasing gap in income between rich and poor does predict a surge of firearms sales and wicker baskets.
Perhaps I could sign up for the Mme. Defarge role... but I'd have to learn to knit, I suppose.

Just trying to give you a heads up.
Or off, as the case may be... ;)

Nickel Plated

New member
Perhaps someone should shoot them a letter pointing that incident out. See what their response would be, if any. If they felt the need to point big evil machine guns out their windows to save themselves, then perhaps guns aren't so bad. :p


New member
The increasing gap in income between rich and poor does predict a surge of firearms sales and wicker baskets.

"Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." -- Said by a much wiser man than I.


New member
Just trying to give you a heads up.

Will we need to supply our own wicker baskets? Or will they be made available by a charity organization for those of us without financial backing to afford things made of "wicker?"


New member
A study of the draft riots is very interesting .It was a BIG riot ! It was also a lesson of how not to deal with a riot [too late too little ].
Yes the NYTimes has changed !!

Nickel Plated

New member
Having done some light reading about this. It seems that it was the New York Tribune and not the New York Times that put Gattling Guns out their windows.