NY college student arrested for having AR15s in his dorm.


New member
rochester NY, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Two ' Assault rifles ' in dorm room and 320 rounds of ammo.


right around the corner from me....


ROCHESTER -- A Rochester Institute of Technology student was arrested and suspended from classes after police found two illegal guns in his room in campus housing on Tuesday.

Monroe County Sheriff's deputies arrested Jonathan Hackenburg, 22, of Hackettstown, N.J., after they found two assault rifles in his room at the RIT Inn and Conference Center. An employee there had called police after hearing a sound like someone racking a gun, RIT spokesman Robert Finnerty said.

The student said he was a collector and had just assembled the guns, Finnerty said. There was no ammunition in the room, but deputies later found 320 rounds of ammunition in his car.

The weapons were described by police as a Stag-15 rifle and a Romanian made AR-15 rifle. Hackenburg, a senior majoring in engineering, told authorities he has spent a lot of time working on guns and rebuilding them as a hobby.

"He did indicate that he has federal firearms licenses in New Jersey and that he properly purchased these weapons," said Monroe County Sheriff Patrick O'Flynn. "However, crossing the state line and possessing them in New York State is a violation of the law."

Hackenburg was arraigned in Henrietta Town Court. He's charged with two felony counts of criminal possession of a weapon, as well as fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon for possessing a firearm on school property. He was sent to the Monroe County jail on $15,000 cash bail or $30,000 bond.


New member
Who builds prohibited military style rifles in their dorm room the day after a major, major massacare at a college?

Everything else aside, this guy is clueless.


New member
Agreed Gfen....but sometimes otherwise reasonable people do things that are just asking for trouble...like being a FFL in Jersey he MUST have known enough about interstate transfers and NYS law, as well as college policy, and it was sheer stupididity to have them in a campus apartment right after a tragedy like VT.

I once made a critial error in judgement that almost got me and a few fellow employees killed. We made the mistake of showing up for work at the federal center in battle creek Michigan the day after the Oklahoma bombing, in a rented Ryder truck.....what were we thinking????:eek:

After a few tense moments with the guards they decided to let us live....


New member
Moron... but all AR-15s are not alike. NY has its own AWB but I still see a host of AR-15s on the shelf. There are a variety of components that may make it illegal in NY. It is just as likely that the local LEO saw an EBR and after VT arrested the guy. You will never hear whether this gets tossed or not because the weapon did not meet allt he criteria for a prohibited firearm in NY.

There is no problem with him brining a weapon NOT under the NY AWB into NY as long as it is not a handgun. There is no long gun registration outside of NY and no reason he could not transport one into or out of the state.