NV and UT permits arrive yesterday


New member
Yesterday (7/31) I received both my UT and NV CCW permits. I applied for the NV permit in Clark county/Las Vegas on May 8th and was expecting a four month wait. I was pleasantly surprised to get it in under 3 months. The UT paperwork was received on May 18th so I was expecting I would see the permit in the 60 days they talk about. I guess things are running a little slow in UT.


New member
I have the Oregon CCW permit.

I want the Utah one so I can carry in about 35 states with the combination of the Oregon/Utah permits. They have a nice little map on www.packing.org that shows you were your permits are accepted in other states. This is good information if you travel alot and what to pack a weapon with you. With the Oregon permit I can carry in 12 states. The utah permit let's you carry weapons in 25 additional states with a couple overlapped.



New member
And....begin intense jealousy.....*now*

Eight months and counting since I applied for my NYS pistol ownership permit with nary a word.

Enjoy, and be safe.



New member

Oregongundude - Utah's out-of-state permit lets you carry in 30 states. Nevada overlaps 14 of those and Oregon overlaps 13. So once you have Nevada and Oregon permits, those are the only states respectively that you add by getting them. Nevertheless, looks like you'll be covered in most of the easier-to-carry-in states. There's a couple of states whose permits would add 2 or 3 more each to your list, but you have to apply in person and be a resident. Pretty much lets us dyed-in-the-wool (or is that rained-on-in-the-wool) Oregon residents out.

Oops. Confusing my messages. It was Jason who got the NV permit. Well, congrats and I'll go back and re-read things again, which is one of my own pet peeves. Dang! Busted.


New member
I just want the Oregon and Utah Permit.

And yes your right they overlap on most of them. However, it will be nice to have coverage in 30 states with the Utah CCW.



New member

And since you live in Portland, you can use the $59 Utah permit that you receive totally by mail (once you have a class from a Utah-approved instructor) to carry in Washington, instead of paying $79 during an in-statiion visit to a Washington LEO.

Sorry for the hi-jack Jason.

Oh, and Jasil? Ever think of moving out of NY to a more gun-friendly clime?


New member
Oh, only about every day for the past eight months.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of my current employment, I'm stuck here for at least the next two years or so, and I won't really get to pick where I wind up after that.

That's the downside. The upside is that for someone as young as I am, the opportunity is amazing. It's a trade-off, but I guess it's better to be a little patient, wait for the paperwork to come through, and enjoy my pick of whatever firearms might strike my fancy on any given week :D


New member
Both are NR permits. Work takes me to Las Vegas frequently as it is the trade show capitol of the world. Since NV does not honor any other states permits I decided to go through the hassle of registering guns with LVMPD, taking a class in Las Vegas and applying in person. All this for a 3 year permit. Hopefully NV will wake up and start honoring other permits by the time I need to renew. The UT was simple. The NV class satisfied the UT requirements and the instructor just signed off on the application. I could apply by mail so it was not a pain at all. I have no plans to visit UT although I hear it is beautiful, especially this time of year, but it does get me into MN and WA which I do visit occasionally.

I am a SD resident and our application process is about ideal. You go to the Sheriff's office and he basically asks if you are a felon. If you pass that test and pay your $10 you get your permit. I got my first SD permit 20 years ago at the ripe old age of 18 and it took all of 5 minute to fill out the application and walk out with permit in hand.

xjasilx, is NY still part of the USA?? With gun laws like that, it must be the safest place in the world to be. :rolleyes:


New member

Per Packing.org, $79 is the cost for an alien firearm license. Also for renewal. So if you renewed for only $60 packing.org may have it wrong. Or costs have gone up. Nah, that couldn't be it. Packing.org must have it wrong. ;)


New member
The funny thing,I'm from Canada and I have a Utah ccw permit.My Government will not give out ccw permits,but a state of Utah will.FUNNY EH?:confused: :confused:


New member
I'm from Oregon also and in addition to Oregon have a Washington NR, a New Hampshire NR, Pennsylvania NR, Florida and am waiting on Utah. I do a lot of traveling and this combo covers everywhere I would need to go except New York and New Jersey but thats what I have a car safe for!