Nugent Caught Poaching in CA

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He apparently apologized for his transgressions and said that he should have been better informed. I took that to mean that he had not bothered to read or learn the laws of the state in which he was hunting. Since the episode aired, it also means that none of his handlers bothered to learn or know the laws where the hunt took place as they didn't realize his hunt including illegal activities.


New member
Not that he is innocent (you're right, he and his crew should have checked for themselves) but id be curious to hear what part the guide played in this whole situation. Did the shows producers make a poor choice of guide, and then put too much trust in his lack of knowledge/integrity? Good lesson for the rest of us: Always do your research, no matter what a guide or anybody else says to the contrary.

Rotten situation anyway you slice it.


New member

Hope that spike tasted really good!


New member
Ted Nugent is a little angel compared to some of the high profile celebrities in the news today. Lemmon


New member
He made some mistakes (and I do believe they were mistakes due to ignorance, rather than willful violations), and he paid the price.

It's sad, but it happens. I know a Colorado guide who made a mistake once due to his own misunderstanding of the laws. He freely volunteered the informationi to a game cop, who happened to be an aquaintance/friend of his.

His friend then informed him that he'd have to cite him, and did.

In court, it was deemed an honest mistake due to his misunderstanding, and he was fined with no further consequences.

I won't condemn the man for a mistake. There are far worse folks out there to be concerned about.

He made some mistakes (and I do believe they were mistakes due to ignorance, rather than willful violations), and he paid the price.

11 is a lot of "mistakes" even though it bargained down to just two. Being that unfamiliar with the law is hard to excuse when you are considered a big name expert celebrity hunter who is educating the public on hunting.


New member
11 is a lot, but if the CA DFG had enough evidence to pursue the issues they would have. Game laws in CA are complex to say the least. Even so, a 15-year old who is hunting for the first time knows that "fork or better" is the rule in most of the state, though some X areas require 3 point or better. All I can say is "read the regs".


New member
I would venture to say that most people (me included) hunting in a different State trust that their guide knows and follows the game laws in their jurisdiction. I will perform due diligance from here on out. I can positively guarantee you Ted would not have done it with the knowledge it was illegal. I just don't understand his willingness to shoot spikes, or any small buck for that matter. Kill the does and let the bucks get big. Cull bucks are different.


Staff In Memoriam
Kill the does and let the bucks get big. Cull bucks are different.
I doubt ol' Ted has a hard time discerning a yearling from an old scab buck...

He may have shot that buck knowing it was illegal but thumbing his nose at their stupid antler law that allows big old scab bucks to live a protected life while spreading scab buck sperm thru out the herd making more scab bucks that will be protected... Sounds like california rule makers want to make sure the spikes live and take over so fewer hunters will waste their time and money trying to find a legal buck...

Afterall... Ted claims he will carry any weapon he wishes anytime anywhere as he don't answer to people who limit his god given rights to self defense...



New member
Wow. I'm a Nugent fan but I find it hard to believe that he didn't know what was illegal. Of course any one can make a mistake, but 11 of them seems beyond being a simple mistake.

As a famous hunter who travels all over, you'd think he would make sure he knew the laws where he was hunting.


11 is a lot of "mistakes" even though it bargained down to just two. Being that unfamiliar with the law is hard to excuse when you are considered a big name expert celebrity hunter who is educating the public on hunting.

This is the crux of it and a dern good point. Nevertheless, it's a very minor issue in the big picture so I for one am not going to be overly harsh towards Ted about it. Big deal. It could've happened to any of us. He took responsibility for it and it has not been a pattern of behavior for Ted so whoop de do.

At least he didn't shoot his buddy in the face with a shotgun like our Vice President did! What a doorknob cheney is. :D

roy reali

New member

He took responsibility for it and it has not been a pattern of behavior for Ted so whoop de do.

How do you know? I like the man, I even have an autographed copy of one of his books. I assume it was a one time mistake, but is it possible that he was caught this time? We don't know if this is a behavior pattern.

I am truly disappointed.
He took responsibility for it and it has not been a pattern of behavior for Ted so whoop de do.

Well let's see what his options really were after he committed multiple offenses, documented them on camera, and broadcast the offenses nationally/internationally. He could fight the charges and risk losing his TV show ride while possibly being found guilty for more than the 2 offenses bargained, or he could 'fess-up to a couple of offenses and pay a small fine and make a couple of statements about how he has taken responsibility for his actions.

I assume it was a one time mistake, but is it possible that he was caught this time? We don't know if this is a behavior pattern.

Right, we don't know if it is a pattern or not from one incident, but we do know that Nugent is a proponent of people defying laws they consider to be stupid whenever and wherever they are found.

Ironically, I found these statements from Nugent on hunting and hiring a guide...
Then there are legalities. Our research and references should determine without any doubt the comprehensive legal considerations required of us, our guide, outfitter and camp setup. Our guide must have all his licenses, permits, tags and all other legal requirements covered to a T. A call to regional wildlife agencies is important as well for a detailed scouring of the states' or regions' game laws for the year. Nothing ruins our sacred hunt more painfully than a cross with the law.
Be prepared. Do your homework, make it perfectly clear what you expect, ask as many hard questions as you can come up with, and don't be afraid to grill 'em before you commit. Forewarned is forearmed and let the buyer beware.

Apparently, "our research" and "us" apparently means Nugent relies on others to do his legal busy work. So here is a statement elsewhere showing he doesn't do his own legal checking of the law and he gets busts in CA for not knowing the law. I think I see a pattern of behavior...


Right, we don't know if it is a pattern or not from one incident, but we do know that Nugent is a proponent of people defying laws they consider to be stupid whenever and wherever they are found.

So you're inferring that he did it on purpose and is lieing about it. That makes no sense whatsoever. If he did it as some kind of defiance to the Laws then he would have said so.

I think it's a reasonable assumption that with all the papparazzi out there that if ol Ted broke a game law that we would hear about it. We hear about everyone else and thier problems and with Ted being big in the hunting and shooting areas it would be very newsworthy if he stepped on a squirrel out of season.

You're calling foul because the man has enough money to hire things done for him? That's funny. What a nit picker

Jack O'Conner

New member
I don't condone his crimes but the word "POACHING" is incorrect.

- POACHING involves criminal trespass for purpose of taking game.

- POACHING involves hunting out of season.

In my opinion, Nugent appears to be guilty of violations of the State Game Laws. In other words, A VIOLATOR.

I'm guessing that he didn't read or comprehend California's game laws. I doubt his crimes were willfull violations.

He should plead guilty, apologize, and move forward with his life.

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