nuff said

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New member
OK, is this a joke? I noticed they have a nice promotional video put together for it, but it still kind of looks like a joke.


New member
For realsies

it was an April fools joke actually but they got such a huge response they're making this one run of them. order by tomorrow night. note that i do not work for 5.11 or anything along those lines but i have been wearing a kilt for the past six years rain or shine or snow, at the range or on the job. Kilts are awesome! The only time i have ever regretted wearing a kilt was a momentary lapse of judgement regarding how i was standing whilst using my chainsaw. When it comes to concealed carry A LOT can go unnoticed and very few people are willing to have a gander to be sure. Also on protection details, you can spot your surveillance easily, cause while the rabble stairs at your kilt your threats continue to target your client. They stand out like a lighthouse.


New member
i have been wearing a kilt for the past six years rain or shine

Believe me living in Atlanta GA where the daytime temperatures are already hitting almost 90 I can see the advantages from a comfort stand point. However, it is difficult to imagine a lot of the LEOs around here adopting them for summer wear. I mean can you imagine Buford T Justice in a kilt?


New member
He'd be a lot happier...! and maybe loose some weight. Plus riot gear is a lot more comfortable RE knee pads and the like. And i am serious, about the attitude adjustment. Its like wearing the perfect pair of boots after years in **** that doesn't fit right. all of a sudden your world is brighter.
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