NRA. Whose side are we on anyway?


New member

A lot of people claim that NRA stands for "Not Relevant Anymore".

I wish it were true. Unfortunately, the NRA is about as irrelevant as Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein and Frank Lautenberg - and much more effective at promoting gun control. The NRA is relevant; but it's Not Rational Anymore.

Thanks to the NRA, we have the National Firearms Act of 1934, the Gun Control Act of 1968, Brady registration, and Project Exile. Now, in addition, we will likely have six more years of Orrin Hatch and four more of Mike Leavitt.

That's right. The NRA spent a lot of money and went to a great deal of trouble to support and endorse Utah's elite anti-gun duo. They helped Hatch get the Republican nomination for his re-election and helped keep Leavitt from losing his nomination.

Most of you are probably familiar with Senator Hatch, and his abominable S. 254, the Juvenile InJustice Bill. Now that the NRA has done everything possible to give Hatch cover for his gun-grabbing ways, I expect the bill will explode out of the conference committee and land right in the middle of Clinton's desk. Hatch's own version of the bill (not including amendments by other anti-gun senators) includes the following:

Mandatory trigger locks with each sale Mandatory registration of all gun show and pawn shop transactions Mandatory registration of all firearms repairs Mandatory 5 year prison sentence for parents whose children responsibly use certain semiautomatic firearms without written permission. Increasing BATF funding by $40 million Mandatory lifetime ban on firearms ownership for anyone who commits certain crimes as a juvenile

Hatch's excuse is that these are "pro-gun" provisions that will "protect" gun owners. Apparently he believes that if this bill is passed, the anti-gun forces will simply go away.

Other notable accomplishments of Utah's senior senator include:

Overseeing the Waco cover-up and declaring that the government had done nothing wrong Voting against a prohibition on US troops serving in combat under UN command Voting to confirm notoriously anti-gun Surgeon General, David Satcher, an advocate of fraudulent anti-gun "junk" science. Voting to confirm liberal, activist judges including Richard Paez, Marsha Berzon, and Margaret Morrow Refusing to allow the Freedom from Union Violence Act to emerge from the Senate Judiciary committee, thus endorsing violence as legitimate political activity. Supporting the Chemical Weapons Treaty Supporting taxpayer funding for the National Endowment for the Arts

This no doubt explains why the NRA flew Wayne LaPierre out to Salt Lake City to defend Orrin Hatch against angry gun owners. It no doubt explains why Charlton Heston sent me a letter explaining that "Senator Hatch has been one of the most committed, principled and consistently effective advocates of your Second Amendment rights on Capitol Hill. He's stood with the NRA and fought to protect your constitutional freedoms when others lacked the courage or the stamina to do so."

The last time I saw Sen. Hatch, he waggled his index finger at me and told me I was too stupid to understand how things are done in Washington and I should trust him to do the right thing. Maybe he's right; I certainly don't understand how registering my guns, rewarding the murderous BATF, and throwing me in prison for taking my son shooting with a 10-22 protects my rights.

Was Hatch at least better than his opponents? Absolutely not! Both (defeated) challengers Greg Hawkins and Frank Guliuzza are committed gun rights advocates who made their opposition to gun control a highlight of their campaigns. Hawkins failed to force a primary by only 53 votes out of 3500. By endorsing the only anti-gun candidate, and helping to eliminate the pro-gun candidates, the NRA made sure we'll have a choice between an anti-gun Republican and an anti-gun Democrat in November.

While it's not much of an excuse, it is true that Hatch was a supporter of gun rights twenty years ago when he was a freshman senator. This is more than can be said for Governor Mike Leavitt, who has never been an advocate of gun rights.

While Leavitt is best-known nationally for his support of an internet tax, here in Utah he's leading the gun control charge. He has actively supported the following:

Banning concealed carry in schools and churches (regardless of the wishes of the school or church authorities) Prohibiting firearms possession for anyone convicted of one of a long list of misdemeanors, including spanking a child Increasing fees for carry permits, background checks, instructor permits, etc. A lifetime ban on firearms possession for anyone committed to a mental institution, even if the commitment was wrongful or the person recovered fully Allowing public schools to question children about their parents' firearms ownership and use without parental notification or permission Prohibiting firearms possession by juveniles adjudicated delinquent without a jury trial Expanding prohibitions on handgun possession to include long gun possession Calling a special session of the legislature specifically to enact gun control legislation

Yet, the NRA donated $10,000 to Leavitt's re-election campaign, and then endorsed him, writing: "Your record of accomplishment reflects the priorities and beliefs of the NRA membership, and we believe you are uniquely suited to be the Republican nominee for Governor of Utah in 2000…We look forward to continuing our relationship with you in the years ahead to continue preserving and protecting Utah's rich Second Amendment and hunting traditions."

Once again, all three of Leavitt's opponents, including current challenger, Glen Davis, are committed gun rights advocates, who focused on gun rights in their campaigns, attacked Leavitt's anti-gun record, and put their commitments in writing. Had the NRA chosen to support a pro-gun candidate, that person might now be Utah's Republican gubernatorial candidate.

The bottom line is that in Utah's two most critical contests, the NRA went out of its way to support and endorse the ONLY anti-gun candidate in each race! This is sickening beyond words.

What is going on here? I have no way of knowing for sure, although I hear those Potomac Swamp vapors are toxic to higher brain functions. But I have some ideas…

The NRA's business is gun control. Without gun control, the NRA would be reduced to teaching firearms safety and use, hunter education, and sponsoring sporting events. These are important and necessary functions, and the NRA does a good job with these non-political tasks. But the big money, the media attention and the glamour are in gun control. No gun control means no million dollar contracts, no dinners with celebrities, no lavish expense accounts, and no TV appearances.

The NRA needs gun control. So the NRA perpetuates gun control. They support anti-gun politicians, and when those anti-gun politicians propose more gun control, the NRA sends out more letters screaming for help, and another few million dollars roll in. What a scam!

Of course in order for the scam to work for very long, the NRA also needs to appear to be doing something. They need to be able to claim that they helped to elect pro-gun politicians. This means that the NRA is necessarily more concerned with supporting a winner than with supporting pro-gun candidates. Thus the NRA supports whomever they think will win, rather than the most pro-gun candidate.

The Utah governor's race is a perfect example. Mike Leavitt is solidly anti-gun, but the media insisted he was a "sure thing", with an 80% approval rating. So the NRA endorsed him, instead of any of the pro-gun candidates. They goofed. Gun owners hate "Slick Mikey", and booed him right off the stage. They forced Leavitt into a primary with pro-gun candidate Glen Davis. The NRA destroyed the best chance they had to elect a pro-gun governor of Utah, and may end up irreparably damaging the rights of Utah's gun owners. Even the Utah Shooting Sports Council, the NRA's usually docile ally, is furious at this betrayal.

These shameful shenanigans allow the NRA actually to support gun control by colluding with the media and the gun-grabbers. The anti-gun forces moan endlessly about the NRA and its "extremist" views, even though the NRA is neither "extreme" nor even very "pro-gun". The media then define the sides as NRA vs. Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI), giving us a choice between NRA sponsored gun control and HCI sponsored gun control. This completely eliminates the possibility of NO gun control from the discussion, and thus from the minds of the public. If your choices are limited to NRA gun control and HCI gun control, you can bet you'll end up with - you guessed it - gun control!

The problem here is not ordinary NRA members, many of whom are solid pro-gun, pro-liberty folks, many of whom I consider friends. These people don't believe that Mike Leavitt is "uniquely suited to be the Republican nominee for Governor of Utah". They're hard-working, responsible Americans who don't deserve to have their hard-earned money spent on anti-gun politicians.

If you're a Utah NRA member, you gave over $.50 to Leavitt this year! Meanwhile, all three of the pro-gun candidates combined spent less than the $10,000 the NRA gave this anti-gun zealot. What might have happened had the NRA decided to support one of the pro-gun challengers? (Consider that Glen Davis got 46% of the vote while spending only $3,000. It's mind boggling!)

What happened in Utah must not be allowed to happen in other states. It's time the NRA's reprehensible support for gun control and anti-gun politicians is exposed to NRA members and to the public. It's time people realize that the NRA is doing more harm than good. It's time to send the NRA the same message we send to people like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy - NO MORE GUN CONTROL! Otherwise the NRA may end up endorsing Hillary Clinton this fall!

Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked.
Nehemiah 4:17,18


New member
Can't arge that there have been too many compromises but they still are the biggest dog on the block. Without the NRA I havge no doubt we would be using straws and spitwads.

That being said, I truly believe that the future of RKBA can only be preserved by full support of the GOA.

Everyone who is an NRA member should also be a GOA member.

TO ALL: Try this - the next time you send monsy to the GOA, also send oa copy of the check and a very short note to the NRA telling them why you are now sending money to the GOA. Money talks.


NRA? Good. Now joing the GOA!

Big Bear

New member
I certainly don't always agree with the NRA's tactics, but I can't believe they're "doing more harm than good." All the anti-gunners in Congress, the President, the media, HCI, and the Million Misinformed Moms all seem to think it's the NRA's fault we've had NO new gun control laws since Columbine. Somebody ought to tell them they're picking on the wrong bad guy if they're all in bed together.

I'm with CMOS on this one. Every NRA member should also join GOA, SAF, JPFO, LEAA, COA, LSAS, and hit the anti's on several fronts. Isn't that how they attack us? We put out one fire, and they start another one somewhere else. It's hard to mount an effective offense when you're constantly being put on the defense. GOA has my full support, but I will maintain my NRA membership.

Wouldn't it be a funny twist if the gun-grabbers were to develop the same kind of infighting and bickering that seems to plague us RKBA types? Can you imagine CPHV calling HCI their worst enemy because they compromise too much and they're soft on a total ban on handguns?

Anti-gunners have been able to accomplish what they have so far because they're united against us. I wish we could be as united as they are. Just my $0.02 worth.

Big Bear

New member
...and one more thing, if you're going to post this kind copyrighted material, the least you could do, no, the legal requirement is, to give credit to the author, Sarah Thompson, M.D.

Had I known she wrote it, I wouldn't have been so polite in my response. She has no credibility as far as I'm concerned, and since she's never going to read this, I'm not going to waste any more of my time and TFL bandwidth on it.


New member
Good point Patrick. If the NRA seems a little extreme its because the antis have become extreme. It's too bad everyone is so wrapped up in their own self indulgence that we can't work together for a reasonable and effective approach to mitigate the crime problems in this country.

I support the NRA and will continue to do so because although not perfect they are the reason I can still own a gun.

[This message has been edited by bullseye (edited May 14, 2000).]


New member

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what is for lunch.
Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the outcome of the vote.
Let he that hath no sword sell his garment and buy one. Luke 22-36
They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night. Song of Solomon 3-8
The man that can keep his head and aims carefully when the situation has gone bad and lead is flying usually wins the fight.


New member
One advantage Hatch has - he's a committee leader, has seniority. If he were replaced with someone pro-gun, while that man would be a senate vote, he can't sabotage bills in committee.

On the latest fiasco - anyone seen that bill put into place?



New member
I too live in Utah. I agree it is time for both Leavitt and Hatch to go. Still they are better than the last several SLC mayors like "Rocky" Anderson. Snort, gag, puke. Why is it that such a conservative state keeps electing such liberal pukes. I don't know. Unfortunately Hatch is probably better than any viable alternative. :( Politics continues to disappoint me.

Get your 1911s and AR15s while you still can!


New member
Straws and spitwads are dangerous! Especially those with more than two wads or shortened straw lengths! :)


New member
Unfortuneately the NRA leadership has chosen to appease the communistic media, and "moderate" public who have decided to not use their God-given brain. They have done this at the expense of alienating those who hold to the same principles of liberty as some of the founding fathers of America. Citizen disarmament laws no longer seem to be worthy of fighting for.....Now they want to ENFORCE them!

I'm sorry if I offended any of my RKBA friends. This is certainly not a personal attack of any kind. It is however of personal consequence to ALL of us the direction that the NRA has slowly sunk to over time. I expect more for my $35 dollars a year than a cheap oversized hat and a sleazy excuse for enforceing existing unjust laws. Too many innocent people have been murdered to take this issue so lightly as to do anything less than demand that NRA leadership takes a stand AGAINST ALL firearms legislation.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
"Reasonable gun law?............There's No such critter!" --EQ


New member
Whatever anyone might think of the article I posted, the author of that article, or the NRA, the truth of the matter is that of the Republican candidates running for office in Utah, the NRA only endorsed the candidates who support gun control. We had some wonderful constitutionalists running against them, but the NRA would not endorse any of them. I know. My wife is a delegate. We got all of the mail from all of the candidates and everyone endorsing candidates. Makes you wonder what is going on.

I'm with CMOS. If we are serious about the RKBA, we need to support GOA! And maybe we should also stick the NRA's nose in the Davis/Hawkins run for governor/Lt governor and remind them what the fight is really all about. What could Davis and Hawkins have done (Davis especially!) if they had the $10,000 the NRA gave to Leavitt!?!

[This message has been edited by sbryce (edited May 18, 2000).]


New member
Maybe the NRA chose to back winners? It's better to have a slightly pro-RKBA Republican in the Senate than a 100% anti Democrat.

By all means join as many pro-RKBA organizations as you can.

So many pistols, so little money.


New member
One of these days, we gun owners are going to have to realize that it is OUR fault that we have gun control. WE (personally, each and every one of us individually) don't make enough of an effort to educate the people around us. We can't count on ANY group of "other people" to do that for us.

I'm not suggesting that anyone withdraw their support from these groups, but without the direct support of each of us, making an effort and a sacrifice to educate ourselves and to pass on our values, experiences, and views, we WILL fail.

I let my views be known in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways, and I continue to be amazed at the number of pro-gun RIGHTS people I meet every day. People who agree with what we believe, but are unwilling or afraid to do anything about it because they fear being rejected or persecuted for their beliefs. Many of them, though generally pro-RKBA, have the same "underdeveloped" or "unrefined" viewpoints that many of us had when we first realized that we were pro-RKBA. Ignorance of the issues is incredible, even among those who agree with us. Many of these people do more harm than good for our cause, spouting off without thinking their ideas through. It's up to us to help them see both the big picture as well as the finer details.

It's easy to send money, but our obligation doesn't begin or end there. Your family, your friends, your neighbors, your doctor, your church members, your co-workers, and maybe even YOU, elected the anti-liberty politicians to office, and so did mine. The failure is our own. Only we can correct it. It's up to us to make a difference every day.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."-- Benjamin Franklin