NRA--Where are you?


New member
With these threads about the confiscation of .223 rifles in the MD/VA/DC area, I went to the NRA homepage to see what action they were taking.

Nothing posted over there. Not even a link to the news stories.

What gives? This is the perfect opportunity for NRA to protect the gun owners (& NRA members) in that area, and they don't even acknowledge that it's happening!

'Splain it to me...:confused:


New member
If there was ever a time for the NRA to come out with both barrels blasting, It would be now. Millions of americans are being persecuted by the BATF. And now, like every other time someone uses a gun to kill innocents, laws are cooked up, not to stop crime but disarm americans by the abuse of law. Whats needed is something to the tune of Chuck Heston screaming as only he can: Mr president, the gun lobby IS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!! STOP PERSECUTING AMERICANS AND CALL OFF YOUR HOUNDS (BATF) WHO ARE HOWLING WITH SLATHING MOUTHS FROM OUR DOORS, OR THE CALL TO ARMS WILL SOUND!!!!
They need to confront this head-on, with a very loud voice via TV, radio and mucho $$$. Its really an historical opportunity for the NRA but.................listen.......... crikets. :(

I stopped supporting the NRA when I realized they were not supporting me.


New member
i'm sure the answer is
"We don't want to rock the electorial process on November third"


New member
The total lack of attention by NRA during the past couple of weeks is astounding. I sent two emails to the ILA-NRA website and had both returned. One of the points I raised in my email was that now would be the perfect time to forgo the lame fundraisng letter of the month, and offer a contribution of $250,000 in reward money to what's already been offered by others (others being other groups besides the largest gun owners and gun rights association in the freakin' world !).

I have my homepage set to "", and ever since the shootings began, there hasn't been one mention of these events under the "Top Headlines" section! :mad: This display of impotency and total neglect is inexcusable. The time to get out in front of these stories has long since passed. With each passing day, we are being defined by those who seek to destroy us as an organization, by those who would dismantle the Constitution.

I joined the NRA years ago, as they were running the campaign that proclaimed "When they come to take your guns, will you ask, "But where is the NRA?" It made such an impact with the clarity of it's message and the realization that it was time for me to put my money where my mouth was, I couldn't wait to join. That was then and this is now.

Now we've arrived at at this crucial time for all American gunowners, and like so many of you, now it's me who is asking "Where is the NRA?" :confused: :mad: geegee


New member
Not that I've seen, but ask yourself, who outside of serious gunowners has ever heard of those organizations? I'm not trying to marginalize them, just making an observation. Not that their treatment would be any different from the media, I just don't they'd have much of a chance of getting any attention in the absence of the NRA's efforts. Those limpdicks. geegee


New member

rock the electorial process? The left is milking this for all its worth at the same time 2 anti-RKBA films are in circulation nationally. Playing upon the emotions and fears of the people with no rational thought involved. Republican hopefuls are backing down due to all the hype and the largest, most influential and powerful voice in the RKBA is silent. This makes us look GUILTY!!! :mad: We stand to lose more rights and votes with this policy of wait and see than if we meet it head-on. The NRA needs to be as vocal and relentless as Al Sharpton only with millions of $$$ poured into emotional media. Focus away from the snipers and put the spotlight on the BATF knocking down the doors of the law-abiding, and the link between genocide and guncontrol and how the BATF is taking advantage of the tragedy by turning on the people. Exposing just who is more a threat to liberty and the lies that are not being challenged. Listen, I know that there are many NRA members here and Im not saying this to flame anybody, but come on man!!!????


Im taking a break from TFL for a few days....I think Im getting an ulcer.

PS- dz, this was not a vent at you. I was speaking in general to all. Later.
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New member
Metaphorically speaking. . . . .

Every organization begins life by being issued a _________ (insert rifle of your selection) with a magazine containing __________ (insert round count of your choice). That magazine is all they will ever get. Shoot up your ammo and you are out of the game.

Some people get into the first firefight that comes along and they blaze away, shortly to become ineffective. Other husband their ammo load and remain effective over a longer period of time.

I've been rough on the NRA for their lack of facetime. At the same time they simply can not react to every outrage coming along. I suspect they will make their opinions known at some time in the future when the stakes (legislative) are much higher.
Sorry, but what the hell is Wayne LaPierre doing if he can't "react" to outrages? That's part of his friggin job is to "react" and get out there and get our side heard, not hide while every Tom Dick and Harry slams us.

I'm becoming more and more sure that all my membership dollars go to is lining the honcho's wallets, paying for a NRA pork barrel complex I'll never see, and the umpteen "give us more money" mailings I get.

*** - if this isn't an opportunity to get us in a good light, what is? What, are they going to wait for someone to shoot the sniper and then come out saying it was a good thing?



New member
Some of you folks disappoint me, I thought you guys were smarter than this....

LESSON #1....liberals ALWAYS point to the gun as the problem, never to the criminal useing it. Since the only forensic evidence available at this time are bullets and shell casings....the media has little else to discuss. By making the topic "firearm and ammo", they hope to bait the NRA into a national debate just weeks before the election. The last thing our "pro-gun friends" running for office need is to be linked to a sniper.

Ask yourself this question...."does the NRA have more to gain or more to loose by getting into a debate at this time?"

David Park

New member
Rembrandt, the NRA doesn't have to "get into the debate" and use this crime to campaign against gun control, but they should at least have some comment. Larry Pratt of GOA has been trying to educate the press about "ballistic fingerprinting." The JPFO has commented on the shootings. The NRA could have taken several non-political actions, such as condemning the shootings on behalf of law-abiding gun owners, educating the media on .223 ammunition, or (as geegee said) contributing to the reward fund for tips on catching the shooter.

Instead, they have been completely silent, even refusing requests from the press for comments. It appears like they are running scared, like they are ashamed these crimes are gun-related, like they may in fact be somehow responsible, just as the media claims. To me their behavior has been reprehensible, and proves that they are more interested in taking money from their members than actually fighting for gun rights. In short, they are just a bunch of scared "duck hunters" who would be the first to turn in their guns if confiscation ever happened. In fact, they may be handing over .223 rifles and NRA HQ range logs to the BATF as I write this. :mad:


New member
Having been involved in politics and strategies I would ask you to consider this....currently the gun issue is a non-issue, there may be some local races that are the exception...but nationally it isn't on the radar screen. DNC political strategists have struggled to find hot button issues to win. So far every tactic has backfired. They would love to make this tragedy an "emotional" campaign issue of them "the caring", against the cold blooded gun owners (who would sacrifice lives in order to keeps their guns).

I agree, the initial knee jerk reaction is to slam dunk these accusations....but this close to the election is bad timing. This issue could be the deciding factor for candidates where some races are so close as to go either way. It's wise to know when to play your your hand at the wrong time and gun control legislation will run rampant for the next two years.

To put it simply, don't go swinging at a problem that isn't a problem....polls show this is not an issue for this election cycle.


New member
If nothing else, shouldn't they have a press release stating condolences for the victims & their loved ones. Perhaps add that the sniper is using firearms in a way that the NRA does NOT advocate and state that the NRA's platform advocates the swift apprehension and stern punishment of those who would commit these crimes. A reward wouldn't hurt, either....

I'll probably be sending them a stern e-mail stating that the NRA will receive NO contributions from me until this matter is addressed, much less ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE NRA!

Frustrated as heck...

Lord Grey Boots

New member

With Congress currently poised to adjourn for the year, there are so
many critical issues left unaddressed that lawmakers will need to
reconvene for a special "lame duck" session following the November 5
elections. During this session, there are several firearm-related
proposals that may be considered. Of course, NRA has been promoting the
passage of two particular measures for quite some time-a prohibition on
reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt law-abiding gun manufacturers,
and the establishment of an effective armed pilots program-and we will
work to ensure these measures are addressed.
Recently, however, the issue of "ballistic fingerprinting" has been
receiving a great deal of attention. This attention will possibly lead
to action on legislative proposals that would either encourage studying
the feasibility of a "ballistic fingerprinting" scheme, or would simply
mandate such a scheme be implemented, regardless of whether it has any
potential of being an effective crime-solving tool.
NRA, of course, has always welcomed any technology that obstructs
criminals and is not used to infringe upon the rights of law-abiding
citizens. For that reason, NRA has been on record as supporting H.R.
3491, The Ballistic Imaging Evaluation and Study Act of 2001, and its
Senate counterpart S. 2581, since their introduction more than six
months ago. But we cannot support a "ballistic fingerprinting"
proposition (H.R. 408 & S. 3096) that its sponsor says would set up a
"national gun database."
"Ballistic fingerprinting" is a misleading phrase, because human
fingerprints, DNA, or other biometric data can't be altered. But
markings on fired cartridge cases and bullets do change for a variety of
reasons. Furthermore, there's serious debate within the law enforcement
community whether such "ballistic fingerprinting" is reliable. Police
criminalists and forensic scientists have studied such a system and
called it "impractical." (California Department of Justice, Bureau of
Forensic Services). In fact, an October 10 article on by
William J. Vizzard-a retired agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco &
Firearms (BATF) who now serves as the chair of the Division of Criminal
Justice at California State University-Sacramento-spells out many of the
flaws with "ballistic fingerprinting." Vizzard points out problems such
as the substantial cost of such a system, limits as to how many firearms
would actually be included in the database, and legal questions
regarding the evidential chain of custody for samples. And considering
most criminals obtain their firearms through illegal channels, such as
by theft, tracing firearms back to the last legal owners would likely
result in a dead end for any investigation.
An article by researcher Steven Milloy, posted today to,
also points out the problems with ballistic "fingerprinting." Milloy
addresses the study conducted by the California Department of Justice,
Bureau of Forensic Services, pointing out the numerous flaws with
"ballistic fingerprinting" exposed by the study. But Milloy notes,
"Shockingly, the California experts were silenced by California's
pro-gun control Attorney General Bill Lockyer (D). One panel member
said he was gagged by the AG's office, not only about the study, but
about the entire topic."
The many problems with ballistic "fingerprinting" that have been
exposed by the California study, coupled with the transitory nature of
these so-called "fingerprints," led NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre and NRA-ILA
Executive Director Chris Cox to comment in a joint release on the
subject, "t defies reason why a criminal or terrorist intent on
violence would not avail himself of a firearm never subjected to
'fingerprinting,' altered into anonymity, or imported from another
The release went on to point out that, "[F]or lawful gun owners, this
["ballistic fingerprinting"] scheme is national gun registration, and
certain to produce confusion, misidentification and wrongful suspicion.
That's why 'ballistic fingerprinting' of handguns in Maryland and New
York, the only states that require it, hasn't solved a single gun
"Maryland and New York taxpayers," LaPierre and Cox continued, "might
rightfully ask whether the millions of dollars required to create and
maintain such a system could be better spent on vital law enforcement
needs. Before squandering billions of dollars to deploy such a system
nationwide, American taxpayers-despite national alarm in the wake of
tragedy-should ask that question, too."
For more information on ballistic "fingerprinting," please visit, where you can find the complete joint release from Wayne
LaPierre and Chris Cox. You can also find a Fact Sheet called
"Ballistic Fingerprinting" -- The Maryland Example by going to the
section called Research, then selecting "Registration & Licensing."
In addition to the issue of ballistic "fingerprinting," reckless
lawsuit preemption legislation-which would block politically-motivated
lawsuits that attempt to hold law-abiding gun makers liable for the
criminal misuse of their products-still needs to move through both
chambers of Congress. The House version, H.R. 2037, has 231 co-sponsors
and has been passed by two committees. Its next stop should be the
House floor for full consideration. The Senate version, S. 2268, now
has 44 co-sponsors. The number of co-sponsors for each bill shows solid
support, but time is rapidly running out for lawmakers to pass these
critical reforms. Please call both your U.S. Senators and your U.S.
Representative and urge them to promote the passage of reckless lawsuit
preemption legislation.
Also, the U.S. Senate still needs to act on H.R. 5005-the legislation
that would create a Homeland Security Department and which contains the
Smith amendment. The Smith amendment seeks to establish an armed pilots
program that would allow qualified commercial pilots to be able to have
access to firearms as a last line of defense against terrorist
hijackers. Please continue to contact your U.S. Senators and urge them
to keep the Smith amendment intact, and to do everything possible to
ensure any armed pilots program passed includes every pilot interested
in participating in the program.
To contact your U.S. Representative, call (202) 225-3121, and to reach
your U.S. Senators, call (202) 224-3121. Just ask to speak with your
particular lawmaker. Those on the Internet can also use our "Write Your
Representatives" tool at


In preparation for the November 5 elections, NRA-ILA has a few scheduled
FREE Grassroots-Election Workshops remaining. Fifty-nine Workshops in
32 states have been conducted to date. These Workshops provide NRA
members with training on what they can do in their local areas to
ensure pro-gun candidates win their elections this year. The meetings
also provide a venue for lawmakers, candidates seeking office, and
their staffs to reach out to NRA members and explain their positions on
our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Our last two Workshops are slated for:

Monticello, Minn. - 10/19
Duluth, Minn. - 10/21

NRA members who are interested in attending can find details by going
to /WorkShops.asp. There is no need to register
in advance, as we can register you on the spot.
Even if you were not able to attend a Workshop, or none were scheduled
near you, there is still plenty you can do to help ensure victory for
the pro-gun community during this election cycle. To assist you with
this, NRA-ILA has designated an individual in almost every congressional
district (known as an NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator [EVC]) who
stands ready to plug you into ongoing campaign activities. The EVC in
your district is a fellow NRA member who is working to provide pro-gun
campaigns in your state and area with volunteers to help with phone
banks, literature drops, voter registration drives, precinct walks, get
out the vote and Election Day activities, and other campaign activities.
To locate your EVC so you can start working on pro-freedom campaigns
TODAY, please call the ILA Grassroots at (800) 392-VOTE (8683), or log
on to our website at Just go to the section called
"Voter Information." If your district currently has a vacancy for an
EVC, and you would like to serve in this capacity, please call the
NRA-ILA Grassroots Division and ask to speak with the Grassroots
Coordinator for your state.
Finally, you may also refer to your October NRA magazine (which you
should have received), as your district's EVC's contact information will
appear on the front cover. But please don't wait until then: Contact
your EVC and begin your work TODAY!

Lord Grey Boots

New member

ARIZONA: On October 23 and 28, NRA members and fellow sportsmen will
have the opportunity to make their voices heard on the future
development of Arizona's public shooting ranges and lands. The Arizona
Game and Fish Department is seeking public input on their proposed plan
for the development of public shooting ranges across the state at two
upcoming public meetings. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday,
October 23, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Fish and Game Department
Region VI Office, 7200 E. University in Mesa. The second meeting is
scheduled for Monday, October 28, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Region V
Office, 555 N. Greasewood Road in Tucson. For a copy of the shooting
range development plan, call the Ben Avery Shooting Range at (623)
582-8313. Public discourse on this proposed development plan will
undoubtedly impact the future of shooting sports in Arizona, so NRA
members and fellow sportsmen must make a strong showing. MISSISSIPPI:
Today, the House and Senate killed each others' respective tort reform
bills (HB 11 and SB 2014). There remains a chance, however, that a
general tort reform bill may be resurrected in either or both chambers.
Please call your Senators and Representatives and urge them to pass
meaningful tort reform, which includes protection for the firearms
industry from reckless municipal lawsuits, during this special session.
If you are unsure of how to reach your Legislator, please call the
Mississippi Senate information office at (601) 359-3770 or the House
information office at (601) 359-3358 and ask for assistance. Those on
the Internet can also use the oWrite Your Repso tool at
NEW JERSEY: The latest reports from the New Jersey legislature indicate
that the so-called "smart gun" bill, A.700, is being held in committee
for possible amendments. The NRA will continue to monitor the status of
this potentially harmful bill. NRA members and fellow sportsmen should
continue to contact their Assemblymembers and ask them to oppose A.700.
If you are unsure of how to reach your Assemblymember, please call the
main State Legislature information line, (609) 292-4840, and ask for
assistance. Those with access to the Internet can also use our oWrite
Your Representativeso tool at NEW MEXICO: Early voting
began on October 16; you can contact your local elections office for
information on early voting locations. Please support NRA-PVF endorsed
candidates for state and federal office. NRA members can contact the
NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683 for information on the
pro-gun candidates in their area, can consult the NRA-PVF Candidate
Endorsement Guide in their magazine. TEXAS: Early voting begins on
October 19, 20, or 21, depending on where you live; contact your local
elections office for information on early voting locations. Please
support NRA-PVF endorsed candidates for state and federal office. NRA
members can contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683
for information on the pro-gun candidates in their area, can consult the
NRA-PVF Candidate Endorsement Guide in their magazine.
Ummm.. Folks the reason the NRA is silent about all this is because they have stated that they support tools to help law enforcement which includes the study and evaluation on ballistic fingerprinting! :barf: You can read it for yourself here:

They may not support ballistic fingerprinting directly yet, but the fact they are willing to endorse evaluations and studies of this reckless and useless technology that is nothing more than a back door registration speaks volumes to me. :mad:


New member

I hope you all watched Face the Nation, Wayne LaPierre and Chuck Schumer had a debate this Morning on the subject of "Finger Printing". I am glad the NRA is not hideing it opinions on this.


New member
debating Captain Blissninny Schumer is like yelling at your lawn

didja like chucko's bribe at the end?
he handed the host a signed football