NRA Statement

I'm going to repost it for the sake of those not on broadband.

The National Rifle Association of America is made up of four million moms and dads, sons and daughters – and we were shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders in Newtown.

Out of respect for the families, and as a matter of common decency, we have given time for mourning, prayer and a full investigation of the facts before commenting.

The NRA is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again.

The NRA is planning to hold a major news conference in the Washington, DC area on Friday, December 21.

Details will be released to the media at the appropriate time.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
That's probably as good as they could say it given the political nature of any statement.

The whole "makes sure it never happens again" is just a platitude but I guess it has to be said.


New member
I just hope "meaningful contributions" doesn't involve throwing everybody but hunters under the bus.

Hopefully, meaningful contributions will be donations to organizations that help the mentally ill.


New member
What other voice do gun owners have. They are the one's with the money and clout to defend firearms ownership. Nobody is going to listen to me or anyone else, we're just a citizen. I'm glad they didn't jump right in for face time like alot of other people. Let's hope they lobby well.


New member
The NRA showed some class is waiting to have anything to sayIt is the anti gun people that have jumped on this tragedy to attempt to advance their own interests.
It has been on the news that the federal government stopped funding for security in schools, and stopped funding for programs that helped the mentally ill. So instead of restoring these funds, let see how we can accomplish our agenda of disarming the law abiding American people, that would cost less money.


New member
Well, it's about all they could say given what happened. Like it or not, mob rule runs this country. And us gun owners that actually care are becoming a minority. Last thing we need are the Ted Nugents of the world running their mouths making us all look like morons and turning everyone against us.

What happened was a terrible tragedy and if there is anything that the NRA can do to prevent it from happening again they should. Like it or not the anti's are Americans who are doing what they think is best for their country, same as us.


New member
I think you may be misreading "meaningful contributions." I don't think it has anything to do with donations to charity. I'm starting to think the NRA is saying they are willing to compromise and that's what will be discussed in the newser on Friday ... this is a serious tipping point in the gun discussion in this country, and I don't think the implications of this terrible event and the NRA statement can be ignored ... people don't care about reason, about statistics ... the politicians care only about scoring points with the folks who keep them in office, and gun haters gonna hate, no matter the evidence that points in a totally different direction from their beliefs ...


New member
I hope you are wrong Biker, if the NRA throws gun owners who are not bolt gun and pump shotgun hunters under the bus I will burn my membership card.

Honestly; I have been an NRA member for about three years now but I donate to the SAF. If you ask me they do a lot more for the RTKBA as of late than the NRA. That and the NRA sent me one of those "If you don't reply we will start billing you" DVD on my nerves. The SAF and ISRA just take my money and don't bug me!


New member
"If you don't reply we will start billing you" DVD on my nerves.'re easily upset. Throw away the DVD, throw away the bills. There is no contract between you and anyone sending you an unsolicited item. That's what I do. If you're one of those really sensitive persons - put the DVD in the plastic recyling.

I throw mine in the regular trash because I figure I'm doing a favor for archeologists who will be going through the local dump in 500-1,000 years. They have to have something to look at other than used Pampers...


New member
Thanks for the quote Tom. Saw that Joe Biden is heading up the government group looking into new firearms restrictions. I believe the NRA will be able to be heard at these discussions.

NRA Life contributing member.

Do I agree with everything the NRA comes out with, No.
Same as with my local, State, or federal government. But I still am a proud American as well as a proud NRA member.

If HALF of the MULTIPLE gun owners were members of the NRA, the number shown in Tom's quote would really show the rest of the nation just how numerous we are.

It honestly amazes me how gun owners who are not members of the NRA just magically expect their gun owning interests to be protected because of the fact it is in the Constitution.

Wake up and realize that something like a letter writing campaign alone is not going to let you continue to exercise your freedoms.

Stop for a moment and ponder what your gun rights would be RIGHT NOW if the NRA had never formed.

The NRA has been THE stalwart and (for the most part) logical buffer between us and the anti-gun segment of this Country for 141 years.
And by the grace of the Almighty, lets hope the NRA is around for a few hundred more.

My rant and thanks for the cyber-time, JT


New member
What happened was a terrible tragedy and if there is anything that the NRA can do to prevent it from happening again they should. Like it or not the anti's are Americans who are doing what they think is best for their country, same as us

I think hardworker makes a good point here. I don't think the NRA will sell us down the river, but they will insist on being in the dialog.


New member
Better to be part of the process than be locked out entirely.

I do think and trust the NRA to stand for our rights as much as is possible. Not all the work to be done will be on committees writing bans... there will also be much done in the offices of senators and representatives reminding them that Americans have rights, and just because some nuts will misuse those rights for whatever reason, we should not just wad up those rights and throw them away.


New member
Consider donating to the NRA-ILA division which handles much of the Second Amendment advocacy work. Keep in mind that the anti-gun crowd has the resources of the White House and quite honestly your tax money supporting them. All the NRA has is the support of average citizens like us.


New member
Keeping a cool head in this situation will work the best for us gun owners and I applaud the NRA for waiting a short while to make a first statement. The first two days after the trajedy all you saw on tv was "ban guns, ban guns, ban guns". Now little by little discussions are comming out about mental health issues, the entertainment industries ginning out of super violent movies and video games, and discussions on how Americans are raising their children these days. If we all stay calm and weather the course we will have to compromise a lot less than if we are portrayed as "gun nuts". It is obvious we are going to have to adapt to what ever changes are implemented in the future but cool heads will help us out the best.


New member
Patriot86, I didn't mean to imply in any way that I think the NRA will throw us under the bus ... I meant simply that the NRA will get involved in the process and work to minimize the impact on the 2A from pols eagerly trying to get on the news with their version of laws which will have no impact on the issue at hand.

A great quote ... "How small, of all that human hearts endure, that part which laws or kings can cause or cure."

We need to continue to support those groups which defend our 2A rights, while understanding that many who disagree with us about guns want the same things we do -- an end to senseless violence which does such damage to the soul of our country.


New member
Consider donating to the NRA-ILA division which handles much of the Second Amendment advocacy work. Keep in mind that the anti-gun crowd has the resources of the White House and quite honestly your tax money supporting them. All the NRA has is the support of average citizens like us.

Excellent recommendation.

Tell you what, if all those buying magazines or guns out of fear for another ban would take the money they'd pay for ONE mag and put it towards the NRA-ILA, I dare say there'd be no need to stockpile.

I just put my money where my mouth is. The magazines I ordered yesterday for my P250 tend to run about $40ish each. I threw $50 into the NRA-ILA pot so my buying will be pointless. Who's with me?


New member
[Out of respect for the families, and as a matter of common decency, we have given time for mourning, prayer and a full investigation of the facts before commenting.

This was the best part. I wonder if any of the media or the shrieking howler monkeys understood what it meant.


New member
I feel the NRA did the right thing by not commenting so quickly out of respect, especially for the immediate families affected by the tragedy, but also, out of respect for our grieving nation as a whole.

Unlike the anti-gun crowd which started almost immediately following this horrific tragedy, the NRA not chiming in shows greatly that the NRA is composed of people that are first, compassionate and respectful in these times and their purpose as an organization is second.
Again, we know there will be discussion's on gun control following incidents like these but our respect for the grieving should be taken into consideration before the bantering begins.

IMO, there is a period of time in which our time would be better spent praying that God gives strength to those families so closely linked to the tragedy rather then start worrying about our own agendas. They will need all the prayers we can send.

Would also like to take this time to THANK the Moderators here on TFL for shutting down threads started so recently after the shooting. Your character is appreciated more then you know.