NRA sells member name list?


Staff In Memoriam
I haven't done anything in ages to give out my home address where solicitors could get it. That is until I applied for the "free" membership to NRA. Now I got an application for a Shotgun News offer in the mail...
I am a self described HERMIT and I relish my daily walk to the mailbox. The medical bills are the most prolific with the weekly wal-mart and monthly bills following that as most common. I don't mind junk mail as i need the paper to light the fire place where I burn all the personal info mail momma is afraid will get cooned from the trash. But I can think of no other way I would be targeted for this particular offer....
I also would understand them doing so especially if the "free" offer is really FREE to me.


Q: I want to join but I am concerned about my privacy. Is NRA membership data confidential?
A: NRA Membership data is considered personal and confidential and as such may only be accessed by the NRA and our agents. Your personal information will not be provided to any “mailing lists.

As far as I can tell, shotgun news is not in any way owned by the NRA and therefor cannot be considered an "agent" of the NRA.

So, atleast according to the NRA's website, they were not the ones to release your information.


New member
I signed my wife up for the free NRA membership two weeks ago. She got a letter from Shotgun News yesterday. I just wonder-----------------
I may be wrong about this, but I THINK, at one time, NRA did share its lists with select other organizations in the shooting community as long as those organizations agreed not to forward those names on to any other organization.


New member
hogdogs We will see. I signed up my daughter about a week later. I wonder if SGN has her addy.


I may be wrong about this, but I THINK, at one time, NRA did share its lists with select other organizations in the shooting community as long as those organizations agreed not to forward those names on to any other organization.

dirty pool

Now they'd have to disclose this somewhere. Federal privacy laws have really been upped in the last few yaers


After becoming a Life Member for several years, I constantly was being contacted for new memberships!? Gave them a call (or email) and told them to absolutely put me on the "limited mailing list". Haven't been bothered with much trash in years since then.:)
