NRA Pistol Certification in Massachusetts?


New member
I contacted GOAL to see about taking classes with them. I'd like to be a NRA pistol instructor. Sadly, it appears that the training, which takes place for three days in January, is only available in Northboro. This is a considerable drive for me and I don't have much money so I can't stay at a hotel for three days -- even a really bad, cheap one. No, I also don't have friends or family in that area. I'm broke. It's out of the question. I have my heart set on getting NRA certified in this area and very disappointed that the classes wouldn't be a tad more spread out. Does anyone know of someplace in the LOCAL Boston or north shore area where I could get trained for this? :confused:


New member
Call up they NRA, they will give you a list of training counselors (i.e., people who train instructors). IIRC, MassRifle regularly hold instructor classes. They are in Woburn.


New member
Thank you for your help!! I've got their page on my favorite places and will contact them later today. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. :D :D


New member
Well, I live in South Boston. With 2 paranoid, bliss-ninny, antigun roommates. We have a couch that you could stay on; but the trade-off is, you'd have to be able to put up with them while you're here. :)

PM me if you still need a place to stay.

Hopefully by January, my boyfriend and I will be living elsewhere in the Boston Metro area, so you wouldn't have to worry about the 2 bliss-ninny roommates.


New member
Good group, seriously demanding one day class:
Boston Gun and Rifle
1483 Dot. Av.
I think the cost is $150, they carry some weight with some police departments.
Feel free to contact me if I can help, Massachusetts Concealed Carry law is very flaky.


New member
Dorchester? Seriously?? Cool. :) :cool:

Too bad it's so expensive though. But, close enough that...I just might be able to do it...someday....Hmm.


New member
Much cheaper at my range:
Braintree Rifle and Pistol
788 Liberty Street
It is just that it is impossible to get through to them by phone...
They give a course for people who want to be members because of the circle jerk of Mass Gun Law #180 which gives the local police department the ability to say: "No permit unless you belong to a club, which you can't because no club can accept members who don't have a permit."
Braintree has a nice outdoor range and a great indoor range.


New member
I agree. Kind of a stupid law. When I got my permit I was told I couldn't get the Class A. I mentioned I was looking for employment in Boston. It's dangerous going to Wonderland Station at night, more so leaving the North End given the path I take. I wanted to be safe when going about town and I also wanted to be able to apply for armed security jobs as they became available. The answer -- no dice. So I tried to getting security work with the Class B. The catch-22? I couldn't get hired without the Class A, and I couldn't get the permit without being hired. Gee...who's dumb idea was this one? :rolleyes:

Thank you everybody for the recommendations. I'll be checking them all out. :D