NRA phone call/automated message


New member
I got called (via telephone) for some kind of poll, and an automated message from Wayne La Pierre (prerecorded voice message) came on. He talked about a new law that destroys part of the first admendment (free speech), preventing the NRA to warn its members about anti-gun politians.

Then, a lady got on the line (identified herself as an NRA member) and asked me to IMMEDIATELY commit to a 3 year NRA extension. What is the deal with this? Anyone else getting these phone calls?

I sign up each year for the NRA one year at a time (it works best for me to sign up yearly), and until I get more information on this as the lady NRA member put it "terrible new law that will lead to confiscation", I'm not willing to commit to a 3 year deal without at least researching what is going on. This could be a scam, for all I know. I looked on the NRA website, and cannot find any information on this new Hillary Clinton supported law that they kept drilling at my head. Any other NRA member that got the same phone call know where I can find more information on this law? Links?


Moderator Emeritus
It is a common tactic, used by both sides of the gun debate, to use fear to motivate.

Personally, I think it is despicable.

I am also a member of NRA, but they only get my membership dues each year. I donate generously (for me) to the SAF, JPFO, and to The NRA is soft on their ratings of congresscritters. Gun Owners of America does a much better job at rating elected-type folk than NRA.

I'd recommend contacting TFL member Straightshot when you want to renew your membership. He can sign you up for just $25.

HTH! :)


New member
It is a common tactic, used by both sides of the gun debate, to use fear to motivate.

Personally, I think it is despicable.

That is exactly why I didn't commit. Over the phone, it sounded like she was reading all this(hysterical commentary) to me from notes, so I assumed it might either be a scam or scare tactic. I agree, it is despicable.


New member
Although I don't like some of the methods used by the NRA and I don't want to get into a debate about that topic.

The infringment upon the 1st she was talking about is the incumbant protection bill that was passed recently. The NRA, ACLU. and other have pending law suits about this infringment of our first amendment rights.

It was discussed on this board and I will try to find it and post the link here.

Fred S

New member
I'm an NRA Endowment Member but if Tape Recorder Wayne calls me I hang up. If the real Wayne calls, I'll talk to him.

I hate all forms of phone solicitation. Period.

Master Blaster

New member
The Law they are Blathering about is called Campaign Finance reform. It was pushed by McCain and Co.

It prevents groups like the NRA, and even HCI from running issue ads 60 days from a national election.