NRA or Trump?


New member
The NRA has got my contact info & so does the Republican Party. Every few days or so I get a request for a donation. If my total concern is gun rights & I wish to donate, which do I give too? What's the best option here? The Democratic candidate for sure will have a profound negative impact on all gun rights. If Democrats win, the NRA loses. If the Republicans win, the NRA wins.

I'm not a rich man, but if I wanted to donate, should it be to the NRA, NRA-ILA, NRA-PVF or Republican Campaign Fund?



New member
I'd say for political gun rights funding go with NRA-ILA. That way regardless of which party is in office you are backing a lobbying group they will listen to.


New member

I'd say for political gun rights funding go with NRA-ILA.
That would be my call as well but it's a personal matter. That being said, I have actually given to both .... ;)

Be Safe !!!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Support your local and state organization if they have a record of being useful and proactive.

The NRA-ILA will also be useful on the local level. That's a hint.
I don't donate to Republicans, not even individually, ever since a certain Republican I donated to used the money to support the campaign of another anti-gun Republican Senator I was hoping was going to lose the primary.

NRA-ILA lobbies for pro-gun legislation in Congress.
NRA-PVF works to get pro-gun politicians re-elected.
NRA Civil Defense Fund supports pro-Second Amendment litigation in the court system.
NRA Foundation is tax deductible but does no political work.

And don't knock just plain ol' NRA. Training and supporting new shooters, teaching safety, and setting up the infrastructure to support new ranges. Without new shooters and places to shoot, all the Second Amendment lobbying in the world won't help us.

Support your local and state organization if they have a record of being useful and proactive.

That is also a great suggestion. A strong local organization strangles anti-gun politicians in the cradle by stopping them from ever getting to the big leagues. Like the old hippies used to say, "Think globally. Act locally!"


New member
My friend's wife complained to him that she didn't get much mail. He mailed a $50 donation to the Republican party in her name. She now gets mail every day from some political organization requesting donations. Once you give a political party a donation, they apparently sell or share your information with a lot of people. I refuse to donate to any political party for that reason.


New member
In my case, I contributed to both the 2nd Amendment Foundation and the NRA. These organizations will have a longer effective lifespan, and please vote at all levels not just for the presidency. Congress is the most important as it wields the power.

Old Bill Dibble

New member
Politicians come and go, change parties and ideologies to increase personal power and will throw anyone or anything under the bus as soon as it is convenient to do so. I'd like to think that one wrongly steered ship careening out of control could not sink a fleet but you never know.

For gun rights support I give my money to an organization that has near a 150 year track record of supporting gun rights and supports pols who support gun rights. They have a helluva track record. Better than any politician living or dead.


New member
Giving to a political party for a specific cause is never a good idea. The party establishment controls that money and it will be used against any party primary challengers, and not just the opposing party in the general election.

For example RNC money was used a LOT against pro gun Tea Party challengers for the sake of retaining luke-warm, or even turncoat establishment republicans on gun issues.

Sen. John McCain was being challenged by a very pro-gun primary challenger this year. Guess who your RNC money was spent on.


New member
I donate directly to my candidate of choice. I do not send money to the Republican party.

I also donate to the NRA, SAF and two local pro gun organizations. I am not a rich man, I am SS Disability, but I still do what I can when I can.