NRA museum


New member
It's in Fairfax Virginia. It would be about a 10 hour drive for me. (a bit

longer trip for you). I would just like to hear from someone who has been to

see of they thought it was worth the trip.


New member
I go there several times each year. The exhibits of firearms are unbelievable comprehensive and the pieces themselves are beautiful. It can easily take hours to study all the weapons on display. Unfortunately, most of the audio briefings that are supposed to be available for guidance and for explanation tend to be inoperative. In sum, the museum is VERY worthwhile.


New member
And the gift shop is very dangerous. Lots of good books, and they get new stuff regularly enough. Of course, last time I was in there, I got busted by the wife when the lady asked "Isn't this the third time you've been in here this weekend?" It was only the second, and I needed something to take on a road trip, thank you. :)
Depending on traffic, it's a 5 to 10 minute drive for me.

When I worked for NRA I helped unpack many of the museum's collections. Kind of interesting holding firearms that have belonged to various presidents and other famous people.


New member
It is well worthe the trip to see! Awsome displays of weapons and history therof. I went numerous times when I was in Virginia for training. Just a short bit outside of DC, so there is a lot of other good stuff nearby to supplement the trip.


New member
I won't be going to D.C. I can't stand the idea of having to be disarmed in

my countries capitol. I am planning to trip to Va. though.


New member
I agree with your sentiment, and the fact still remains.... The NRA museum is worth the trip all by itself! :)

David Park

New member
Be sure to give yourself plenty of time, because the museum closes early. I'd say 2-3 hours for the museum, and at least another hour for the gift shop. :) The museum is pretty small compared to something like the Smithsonian, but I've been there a few times and I still haven't seen everything.
Visited the NRA Museum just this last Wednesday. They had on display as a Special Exhibit the Tommy Gun in history. It's well worth the time. They also have a display of modern flintlocks including a coule made by one of my instrutors, Jack Brooks.

About the only display I would criticize is that one on the Civil War firearm. Too many guns in too small an area so you don't get a good view. Considering the limited gallery space, this is understandable (but unacceptable). If you want to see Civil War guns, go to Gettysburg or Chickamauga National Battlefield Site.

Be careful of the NRA Museum giftshop/bookstore.

Mike in VA

New member
Don't forget the range out in back. Depending on the day/time you visit, you may want to take some time to puch some paper while you're there. :cool: