NRA More Popular than the Entertainment Industry

Alabama Shooter

New member
All you NRA haters out there need to pay attention and get with the times:

Forty-one percent of adults see the NRA -- the nation's top gun lobby -- in a positive light, while 34 percent view it in a negative light.

By comparison, just 24 percent have positive feelings about the entertainment industry, and 39 percent have negative ones.

The NRA's fav/unfav score is virtually unchanged from its 41 percent-to-29 percent rating in the Jan. 2011 NBC/WSJ poll, nearly two years before the Newtown shootings.

Just so you know the whole country does not see the NRA as the lunatic fringe. Merely the lunatic fringe sees it that way. Still I would say our numbers could be better.


New member
Dale A, I missed the closing of that article, the first time around:

Now the news isn't all bad for Congress:

By relatively close margins it beats out Lindsey Lohan (45/41), playground bullies (43/38), and telemarketers (45/35). And it posts wider margins over the Kardashians (49/36), John Edwards (45/29), lobbyists (48/30), Fidel Castro (54/32), Gonorrhea (53/28), Ebola (53/25), Communism (57/23), North Korea (61/26), and meth labs (60/21)

US Citizens like Congress more than gonorrhea, ebola, and meth labs! :rolleyes: