Nra Membership????????

fairview mick

New member
I have not seen this brought up previously. I would hope all of the readers/members of TFL are NRA members. If it weren't for the NRA and all their work, we possibly would not be talking about gun owenership, CCW, shooting ranges etc. Take a hard look at yourself if you are not a member, and don't say "Oh, well, there are enough other members to take care of the problems"
Join, and donate what you can, when you can. Every little bit helps, as there are more political anti gunners out there than you might think.


New member
I'm always amazed at the crappy reasons why some don't belong. For example, they support Republicans, and I'm a democrat. But, in fact, they support any who support gun rights. Or the one I really hate, I don't want the government to know I'm a member and therefore know that I own guns.

There's no reason for a gun owner to not be a member. None. In fact, anyone who believes in the second amendment, gun owner or not, should be a
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New member
Can't speak for the rest, but I'm an endowment member.

Just don't feel the need to bring it up here, as I belive most of us are probably members of some type.




New member
I'm a proud annual member and once I'm out of my graduate program and have the money I'll be joining as a life member. As to people's excuses, no organization is perfect, but the NRA does far more to safeguard our rights than any other organization out there.

fairview mick

New member
To Clay King

You've said it as well as anyone could. Thank you. War wagon says there's no need to bring it up here. That's totally wrong. This is the best place to bring it up. Every one that owns a gun or believes in The Constitution should belong to the NRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm adamant about this.
I've been a life member for Fifty two years, I believe, and donate when I can.
Thanks to all who support the NRA.


New member

I meerly meant that I don't flaunt an endowment membership here on the forums, as that does not make any better , or worse than anyone else.

Maybe I should have chosen my wording more carefuly.



New member
Anyone who is a firearm owner, collecter, or enthusiast owes the NRA a "big thank you".
Without the support of the NRA I feel none of us would be enjoying the freedom to "keep and bear arms" as we do today.




You might consider looking into the Easy-Pay Life membership.

You pay $25 per quarter ($100/year) until the Life Membership is paid off. (I think it was $750 last time I checked.)

I did it that way. I paid the $25 each quarter, and at the time I was so poor that sometimes I let it back up for two or three quarters! Finally, they sent a notice that if I just paid the remaining $400 all at once and got it over with, they'd send me a little wooden desk clock. How could I refuse? :p (Actually, I don't even still have the clock -- it was just that much more clutter.)

If it's hard to afford the full Life Membership price all at once, I recommend going the Easy-Pay Life route.

I'm sure if you call them up, they can sign you up for it on the spot, as long as they still have that program running.

I was an annual member for like 10 years prior to that. I agree that all gun owners should be members of the NRA, even if they think it is "too compromising." In the meantime, compromising or not, they are lately ALL that stands -- in a meaningful, effective way -- between us and the next idiotic gun ban. They are, as a matter of fact, the only reason CCW has grown to over 40 states, as well as the reason we have a growing domino effect of "castle doctrine" laws.

We have much to thank the NRA for.



New member
I belive most of us are probably members of some type.

I wish that were true, but unfortunately gun ownership doesn't correlate to NRA membership.

There are lots (millions) of gun owners along for a free ride the rest of us are paying for.

Life Member



New member
I am new on the gun scene and didn't think of it. Thanks for starting this thread and making me aware. I am going to look into getting my membership ASAP. I hope a lot of other new ( or old ) gun users see this thread and are awakened as I was. Thanks again,

Harley Quinn

I am NRA

I will be 65 this yr. been a member for many years. I should have become a life member back when I first joined.

Now it is just a year to year thing has been all these years. Oh well they got more from me then those lifers back in the 60's. Good cause.

I buy some of there other stuff, and I feel like they are truly the last stand. Guns go and we are toasted in our own stupidity. Many nations come and go. we need to stay on course.

Katrina / NO... should be talked about like 911 in my opinion. The side effects would and could be of much more impact on average Joe US of A person.

911 was tragic. It was a World Trade Building, who are helping our stand on that tragedy? Not many. Look at the lib's now. :barf:
The organization "NRA" is about America and its ability to fight. Send in your membership or donation now.

Sgt Barker will tell you, it is important.



New member
You might consider looking into the Easy-Pay Life membership.

You pay $25 per quarter ($100/year) until the Life Membership is paid off. (I think it was $750 last time I checked.)

I am using the easy pay life option. I couldn't afford to buy it outright at $750.00, but I have them taking $75.00 a quarter, I didn't want to be paying on it for 7.5 years:eek: .


New member
If you ask to speak with a representative specializing in life memberships they have been known to add up all the dues you have paid for yearly memberships and apply it to a lifetime membership.

I know of at least two people that have done it that way.

fairview mick

New member
Hi Crusty

Once you join, you'll find there are many benefits other than just supporting your gun rights. Discounts on cars, hotels, insurance etcetera, etcetera(to quote the "King And I")-Yul Brinner!!!!
I'm giving away my age I think


I'm not a member - I was a member for about 20 years when I could afford it. These days - living on my VA disability I don't have the disposable income to support the NRA. I read the magazines at the local range where I do volunteer range master work - they're pretty good these days.


New member
I'll join the NRA again if Wayne Pierre actually gets on public television and shoots an 'assault rifle' on a public shooting range or shows him with a CCW training how to defend oneself against an attacker with a firearm. You know, show the anti-gun audience what most law-abiding gun owners do with their firearms which is not committing a crime which is the only side of guns the media ever shows.

Actually, just show me a pic of Mr Pierre holding a gun and I'll be impressed.

I mean, you gotta represent if you want my money.

Asking me for $35 membership a year just to send me more mailings asking for more money or tell me who or what to vote for doesn't cut it for me.

The NRA may appear to be a great organization if you always lived in an area where your gun rights weren't infringed. You start to believe that the NRA was the reason for those rights. Guess what? The NRA wasn't the reason. States where people have decent gun rights are states where that state was lucky enough to have politicians and voters who agreed upon allowing people to have gun rights.
It isn't like the NRA arrives somewhere and says, "Behold!! We are the NRA!! All citizens may bear arms!!" and every anti-gun politician and voter gets down on their knees and heeds to the NRAs demands.
Try living in a state like Illinois most of your life where you can't even carry a gun to protect yourself with or can be arrested just for owning a firearm and you start asking ,"NRA who???" and then move out of state if you want to live where your rights aren't infringed.....Yay, the saviors. :rolleyes:


New member
Life member. Committee Member of local Friends of NRA Dinner. Instructor and Range Safety Officer. NRA forever!!!!


New member
Life Member, here. Even if you can't pony up the entire life member dues at once, go the easy pay life membership route.


life member

If your a firearm owner and enjoy the freedoms of owning guns JOIN..
They are not perfect but without that origination I am afraid we would lose most if not all our gun rights.


New member
There are lots (millions) of gun owners along for a free ride the rest of us are paying for.

That right there is maybe a reason so many people are not members. You make it sound like it is a firearm union and everyone must pay their dues.
It is an organization that if you choose to belong too then you do. Could the NRA be helped by more contributions? of course they could but are they hurting for money I dont think so. They seem to be winning victory after victory on many fronts. Trying to win new members and explain the benefits to them will go a lot easier when not calling them leaches or insinuating there is a gun union they have to join.