NRA Hit With A New Federal Lawsuit


New member
In 2018 the Campaign Legal Center and the anti-gun Gifford's organization
petitioned the Federal Elections Commission to investigate and rule on a complaint that the NRA had violated election law. Fast forward two years and the FEC had refused to rule on the complaint. That happens all the time because the commission is comprised of three Democrats and three Republicans.

Finally a federal judge tired of the FEC foot dragging and gave the commission 30 days to render a decision. A failure to comply would allow a federal lawsuit against the NRA to go forward. The 30 days ran out on 1 November. The CLC and Giffords promptly filed their lawsuit against the NRA.

"A new lawsuit alleges the National Rifle Association (NRA) broke federal campaign finance laws by making as much as $35 million in illegal contributions.

The complaint, filed Tuesday by the gun control advocacy group Giffords, accused the NRA of engaging in a broad pattern of activity in violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act dating back seven years.

"The NRA has long acted like it is above the law, and it has done so flagrantly in the last several election cycles. This lawsuit demonstrates that the NRA broke the law by illegally coordinating with federal campaigns and funneling millions of dollars to candidates who supported their extremist, deadly agenda," David Pucino, a senior staff attorney at Giffords Law Center, said in a statement."
Geez Louse!

If'n it t'warn't fer bad news, the NRA wouldn't have no news a'tall.

On a (somewhat) related note, I received the new copy of First Freedom magazine today. It seems on a quick first scan that most of the magazine consists of please for more contributions. The head honchos really don't seem to understand that a huge chunk of the membership is simply not going to provide financial support as long as the miscreants who put the NRA is this situation are still in power.


New member
I'm a Life Member but the NRA will never see another dime from me as long as Wayne and his posse of hand picked directors are in power. 2nd Amendment Foundation, GOA and CCRKBA will get my hard earned bucks and a "Keep up the great work!"

Lima Oscar 7

New member
Sorta like me and a certain political party——-until they replace their House and Senate leaders and the party head, no money will come from me. Heartbreaking to see what has happened to the NRA.

Doc Intrepid

New member

WLP did a lot of good for the organization - more than 30 years ago.

He has now led it into disintegration and near-irrelevance through excess and arrogance.

I will resume my contributions once he is no longer involved with the organization - if it still exists by the time he decides to exit or is shown the door.


New member
As a life grand poohbah patriot benefactor member & I am finished with the NRA. For the time being I only donate to the NRA ILA. Wayne & his crew are through getting my dollars and now I will be donating to GOA and some group here in FL. If they really cared about the mission that was the NRA, they would all apologize for losing focus and wasting millions of dollars of members donations, then resign from their positions. Time for Wayne LaPierre and all who came with him to go away & enjoy there "hard work".