NRA headquarters facade

Brett Bellmore

New member
Somebody at another, non-gun forum, has told me that the facade of the NRA's headquarters has recently been changed, in his words, "On the facade of NRA headquarters, they used to have that very patriotic eagle logo. A few months back they changed it to a rather cheesy "NRA Sports" logo which looks like a TV network logo. What's up with that?"

This true? And if so, what IS up with that?


New member
Sports huh? No upraised hands in surrender? Well, at least they haven't moved the HQ to Colorado Springs (yet).
I'll try to swing by the building this evening when I'm out and about. It's only about 2 miles from my house.

The "eagle" that is/was on the building was equally cheezy, if you ask me, and made it look like the headquarters for Anheiser-Busch.

The 1977 Cincinatti Revolution took care of any thoughts of moving the HQ to Colorado, or anywhere out of DC Metro. I think it's in the bylaws now that the Ass'n MUST remain in DC, and that to move outside of the metro area would require a board vote and a membership vote.

Mr. James

New member
I drive by the darned place nearly every day - I think they're both up there - the Anheuser Busch eagle and the cheesy NRASports logo. I know the NRASports sign has been up there for many months. Thought they were testing the waters for that abortive effort (or are they still trying?) to open the Sports Cafe in Times Square. Cheeky lot, picking Manhattan.

Mr. James

New member
Rode past this morning - the Auggie Busch eagle is gone, the NRASports logo is mounted off center towards the east side of the building.

Mr. James

New member
Correct, sir. And at the top of the structure on the I-66 side is "National Rifle Association of America" spelled out in full.