NRA Gun Club


New member
I got this game for Chirstmas along with The Sopranos: Road to Respect, and The Godfather. So far it's been a pretty fun and challenging game. I recommend this game for ANY new shooter. It's fun and educational. Not only are the gun makes and models accurate, but also at each of the loading screens, it shows an NRA safty tip. It's a non-violent and non-gore game that's perfect for new shooters of all ages. The rating on the game is rated E10+, but I feel it's a good game for kids younger than 10 too. The only thing is that this is NOT a good game if you have a kid who throws temper tantrums or gets mad when he/she doesn't win all the time. This game is VERY challenging and frusterting at times. I think the fun factor makes up for it though. My brother is only 8 and he gets mad when he loses, but he played this game for awhile earlier and he loved it.

Sorry admins/mods if this seems like a spam post, but this is an awsome firearm related game.