NRA Directors Election 2016

For voting members of the NRA, the ballots have arrived in the March issue of The American Rifleman. I wanted to direct everyone's attention to the fact one of The Firing Line members, Mark Humphreville (Hummer70) is on the ballot this time around and would appreciate you putting one of your votes his way.

Mark also pointed out to me that a good shooter and frequent contributor to Precision Shooting magazine in the past, Harold (Hap) Rocketto is also running and encourages folks to give him a vote as well.



New member
Uncle Nick, Thank you so much for the kind words about Hap Rocketto and me.

As I indicated Hap Rocketto would be a great asset to the NRA Board of Directors. I have shot with him since mid 70s and he is not only a top flight competitor but a very knowledgeable gun writer for a number of years and I have already added him to my ballot along with the ten recommended by Col Brown of SOF Magazine.

There are only three competitive shooters on the link below with pics.
Scroll down to page 6 Command Guidance.
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New member
Wish I had known this information several days ago before I voted.

Luckily, I did choose to vote for these gentlemen simply because they were nominated by petition. I understand why the nominating committee picks the lawyers and former judges, but I also think we need some representatives from the "general membership" and us grass roots folks.

Here's hoping these gentlemen get a seat on the board.


New member
Will do! I try to support all of the women too. It drives the libtards nuts when you have women on the Board. :D


New member
Thanks for the good intel here. I expect to be part of a 4-6 person road trip to the convention on Friday. I am not sure any of us will spend the night.

On the political front, are there any meetings/people we should seek out?

If you care to, I would be interested in your take on the Norquist Recall. My family is split. Dad says a bunch of poo, my brother says he has been engulfed with the Muslim Brotherhood and the wrong side of that for years, even if right on the second amendment. The "vote no" text was written by him, not the board.

Any strong feelings?

In 2004 he married a Palestinian Muslim. In 2010, he urged Republicans to stop politicizing the planned construction of the so-called "Ground Zero" mosque. --- I'd be good with that, go build it somewhere else....

I lean toward my brother, he has lost his way.


Active member
I supported Norquist because, after looking into what all the controversy is about I concluded that it was a bunch of utter nonsense. The guy is married to a Palestinian woman. That's about it. On the other hand, Frank Gaffney, the guy who has been accusing Norquist of various conspiracies has a history of seeing conspiracies where none exist.

I'm not voting to kick someone off the NRA based on a bunch of unsubstantiated, fact-lacking theories. That makes it too easy for others to infiltrate the NRA or turn NRA members against one another by slinging mud and manufacturing crap.

I also voted for Ted Nugent, after reading a as much as I could about the his recent controversy. Ted's got a bit of a big mouth (or, perhaps in this case, fat fingers since this is the internet), but he's been a heck of an advocate for gun owner's rights. I get what he was trying to say. I'm not willing to kick Ted to the curb and ignore all the good hard work he has done for all of us. If we start turning on our own, then we might as well turn the NRA over to the Violence Policy Center and let them pick who will best protect our 2nd Amendment Rights.

Unclenick, based on your recommendation (and my own research), I enthusiastically voted for Mark Humphreville! Thanks for the heads-up.