NRA Director Grover Norquist

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New member
I received an email from SAF about "A Grave Injustice" being perpetrated against NRA Director Grover Norquist.

Can anyone fill me in on what's going on with this?

I can't see any benefit from infighting within the NRA at this point in time.


Only thing I can see is that it looks like he's the target of one of Frank Gaffney's conspiracy theories...
From Wikipedia entry on Gaffney:

"Accusations that Republican Party strategist Grover Norquist is a secret agent of the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2014, Gaffney claimed that Norquist had "been working with the enemy for over a decade."[36] (Responding to the accusation, the board of directors of the American Conservative Union unanimously condemned Gaffney's charges as "reprehensible" and "unfounded."[37] The organization also banned Gaffney from its Conservative Political Action Conference.[29])"

My personal favorite, though?

"The belief that the logo of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency is a coded indicator of "official U.S. submission to Islam" because it "appears ominously to reflect a morphing of the Islamic crescent and star".[41]"

Raging lunatic fringe nutjob is an understatement.


New member
Locally, we had a guy go into traffic court, and harangue the Judge about an illegal court, martial law, and such stuff, based on the fringe around the US flag in the courtroom. Apparently, the Army reserves fringed flags for high rank, thusly, a fringed flag anywhere in the country denotes the secret code for martial law.

Dingbat did not win his traffic case.
Yep, the nutting nutters will nut...

That said, the original question has been asked and answered, so I'm going to close this one before someone starts to... nut.
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