NRA Course


New member
AN NRA basic reloading course is being held later next month up in Loveland CO (I'm in Littleton).

I've been thinking about getting back into reloading after an 8 year absence - and once equipment and supplies are available again :rolleyes:
When last I reloaded I had a Lee progressive and was doing .45 . I had decent results but managed to squib - badly - a Kimber 1911. Now I'm...reload shy.
I'm thinking that the course might be just the thing to help me get back on track.

Has anybody been through one of these one day programs?
Any thoughts?

I haven't been through one of the NRA reloading courses. I do get a lot of great help and information from a NRA instructor by way of the internet. They seem to be well trained. Reloading ammo well is in great part an attention to detail task. I'm fairly certain they will be covering not only the basics of reloading but methods you can use to ensure the process is done safely the first time around. You may even learn of powders etc. that will work better for you than what you have used in the past. You may want to ask if they also have an advanced course you can take as well. I don't know about you, but I do enjoy learning things.

I enjoy attending classes for shooting and would take a class on reloading if there was one locally. I do a fair amount of reloading now. I'm certain I would be able to pick up more useful knowledge taking a class. You also will be meeting others with an interest you have. That too is helpful.

I took a class last year to add an endorsement for my concealed carry permit. I spent well over 20 years in the military and have carried concealed for a number of years. I still learned some useful things taking the class. I think I could have passed the tests a person is required to take before taking the class. I would have not been able to pick up the additional knowledge I got if I didn't attend. I also could not get the endorsement without the class. I believe it is a mind set you need to have when taking any training. This way you always benefit.


New member
My intro to reloading was from an NRA course. I took the course about 2 years ago, but had never loaded before the course. I liked the NRA format. It covers all the basics, but they are basics. In your case it might be a great refresher course. The materials are good and it gives a person the knowledge to go out and purchase the equipment you need. I started with a single stage to get the hang of it, then quickly progressed to a Dillon 550b. Love it!


New member
I'm a NRA Metallic and Shot shell Reloading instructor. The course teaches basic SAFETY, nomenclature, equipment, components and procedures. The NRA Guide to Reloading (course text book) is a very good 'how to' manual that is a plus to any reloading library. One of the good things about taking this kind of instruction is that the student will begin to sort out the pieces of equipment needed, and those not needed, for the type of loading to be done. Why is this important? Money spent on gear that will not be used is money that could have been used to buy components.