NRA books "The Hunters Guide" and "Western Big Game Hunting"—Yea or Nay?

Chuck Dye

New member
I am honorary uncle to my best friends’ kids. The ten year old has been a shooter for several years now and will soon qualify for a hunting license. The NRA offers two books which I am thinking of buying: The Hunter’s Guide and Western Big Game Hunting by Jim Zumbo. Quick reviews by any here who have read them would be appreciated. I do understand that they are, or should be, written beyond a ten-year-old’s reading level but expect two things: Dad will be participating heavily and such books will not soon be outdated so the kid can grow into them.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Regardless of "Dumbo's" recent nonsense about "evil black rifles", the man is a very knowledgeable hunter.

Odds are that the books are excellent for a beginner. Books of that sort, coupled with time spent in hunting territory just looking and watching, make the first hunts more likely of success.
