NRA Board - Any Volunteers?


New member
Noticed in the latest issue of the NRA magazine that they are accepting nominations for the Board of Directors.

I was thinking we might be able to get a petition going to try and get a TFL member on the board.

Any volunteers? I will if no one else is interested.

'Course I have no idea what is involved but I always fill in the details later... :D


New member
A suggestion: Before you volunteer, it might be wise to find a past member & ask them about life as an NRA board member.

- pdmoderator


New member
Hhhhm. Good suggestion, pdmod. :)

So, are there any current/past NRA Board members? Or, does anyone know how I could find some?
Stay in first class hotels and have the NRA pay all your meals. This is where Neal Knox was very frugal and scrupulous. Internal politics saw to his falling from grace and a lot of this "inside" info is hidden from us.


New member
I don't know anybody I hate enough to nominate to that position.
Think how much we hardcore 2nd amendment TFL'ers argue, then magnify that across the whole spectrum of NRA gun owners. Now imagine that you're supposed to represent them.

Russ Howard

New member
Funny you mention that.

Try and go to the Board Member Resigns article.

If your goal is to whore out, toady up, rubber stamp, worship celebs, help waste $200 million a year, protect the PR firm that runs the junta that runs the show, and go on junkets paid for by folks who entrusted you to defend the rights you're betraying, or if you're simply too "glazy-eyed" to know that's what you're doing(in the words of another ex-director), it's the place to be... Well, Congress might be better.

If your goal is to stop corruption and appeasement, you will not be nominated. In the off chance they miss that and elect you anyway, prepare for misery.

The elections are a farce. The junta is controlled by: a PR firm protecting a fat, sweetheart contract; to a lesser extent Republican types protecting access to unearned A ratings, campaign cash, and volunteers; and staff, uncontrolled, protecting the usual. There's still the head-in-the-sand "sportsman" and comp shooter types, but not as big a factor as a decade ago. The junta controls communications with the members and will NOT let their power be threatened.

Currently, there's no way to directly communicate with members other than through media the junta controls and uses as a massive, free, unofficial franking and self-celebrity-building and incumbent protection privilege.

The only hope is to redirect members and donations to other groups that do not engage in massive subversion, appeasement, and corruption.

I get no pleasure in mentioning this. Wish I didn't know it myself. I'd be happier if I never served. Ignorance can be bliss, and knowledge can be disheartening, which is why the messenger will be attacked for this, just as I myself would've been inclined to do two decades ago as a fresh activist member.

Sadly, some will need to learn this for themselves.
Poodleshooter: I don't know anybody I hate enough to nominate to that position.
Beautifully said. One more thing. Running righteous folk for Board in a farce where they don't have a fair chance only serves to legitimize and perpetuate the farce. That's the real reason why they haven't thrown Neal & Co., and folks like yours truly, out of the NRA. Though there's still time for them to make my day...
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