NRA assistance or involvement


New member
I know the NRA is the 800 pound gorilla in our corner and on our side. I believe and I belong. My question is, have any of our TFL members received any personal assistance from the NRA with respect to CCW licensing? Has anyone been wrongfully denied or restricted in the class of their CCW and gotten assistance from the NRA?


Going a bit farther back...

The NRA was helpful in getting CCW laws passed in my state. Prior to 1995 it was impossible to legally CCW in TX except in very restricted and poorly defined situations.

So while I haven't received personal help from the NRA with my CCW, I (and several tens of thousands of Texans) have to give them some credit for the fact that we can even get CHL permits at all.


New member

What about for me as a NYC resident. I want to join the NRA also, but what can they do for me as a NYC resident who lives in a very restricted city??

I mean if I can read off a list of things I'd like to see them do, that would be to help NYC:

1) Overturn its AWB
2) Overturn magazine capacity
3) throw out the hoops and loops I have to go thru to get a pistol permit


New member
I recently suspected we would be moving to Washington state, and as a member contacted the NRA by email and mail to ask for assistance. I did not get so much as a reply.
As a guy from England holding a permanent resident "green card" I found it would be almost impossible to legally move to Washington state without selling my guns first. A ridiculous law states I must obtain a "resident alien handgun permit" to possess firearms, however to get one I have to live in the state and apply for one (going through the time consuming process of background and security checks). I currently live in CA with my family (wife a US citizen - well a Texan anyway ;)). So I could not move to WA with my handguns as I would be breaking the law. I would have to sell them or transfer them to my wife while I awaited a permit! I have a TX CCW, a CA handgun certificate, and all my handguns are registered.
As luck had it, we are moving back to TX. So it is all now a mute point.

My experience contacting the NRA was negative; with not so much as a "sorry can't help". Oddly they always get the checks I mail them :rolleyes:


New member
I think we have to remember that the NRA is a national entity. Can we really expect individual help. A better thought would be to work through state associations registered with the NRA. Kinda like talking to the sargeants and lieutenants before going directly to the chief of staff.
I can't say anything about helping CCW's but I know they have been instrumental in assisting junior and beginner programs for women. Thousands of dollars in grant money have been released to local groups to pay for ammo, guns and equipment for the purpose of changing the minds of soccor moms and adding to the number of people that understand the true meaning of the Second Amendment.


Moderator Emeritus
I would just echo what John said above. NRA was instrumental in getting a shall-issue CCW law passed in Ohio four years ago. It was a deeply flawed law at the time, but it has since been improved. It simply would not have happened without them.

They can help you, certainly, but you, certainly, can help them by joining.


New member
Does anyone know what the NRA has done for Crook County Illinois Gun owners?

A curious mind wishes to know while I am trying to decide whether or not to renew my membership.

Seems more like I am paying for the privilidge of receiving solictations.


New member
I would make the following suggestion :

Contact your state gun association, who is the local in state NRA affiliate.
I think you will find them most helpful in assisting and resolving your state related issues and CCW issuance matters.

They are the best informed on the state and local issues and will usually respond with positive suggestions on resolving such issues.

That should be a guide in resolving firearms related issues in your state and they usually put out a monthly newsletter that will keep you informed on state & local issues that affect you.

Don H

New member
Does anyone know what the NRA has done for Crook County Illinois Gun owners?
Kinda hard for the NRA to do anything there when the voters keep making the choices that they do, isn't it?


They can't work magic, but then nobody can. If you live in an area where the majority regularly elects/re-elects strong anti-gun politicians there's no outside organization that can come in and magically eliminate the problem. That doesn't mean that there's NOTHING they can do for you but it does sort of limit things. On the other hand, the NRA is helping make positive changes around the country--are you sure you're always going to live where you do now? Do you have children? Are they going to live where you do now or will they live somewhere where the population isn't fighting the NRA?


New member
They can't work magic, but then nobody can. If you live in an area where the majority regularly elects/re-elects strong anti-gun politicians there's no outside organization that can come in and magically eliminate the problem. That doesn't mean that there's NOTHING they can do for you but it does sort of limit things. On the other hand, the NRA is helping make positive changes around the country--are you sure you're always going to live where you do now? Do you have children? Are they going to live where you do now or will they live somewhere where the population isn't fighting the NRA?

john, you make a good point...... I need to move out of NYC so that I can enjoy my gun rights more.....


New member
I agree that the NRA has done much to assist us. Without them, I fear that gun laws would be more far more restrictive in nearly every state. I believe that we should all be members and support the NRA in any way we can.

Respectfully, BOB1911, the primary purpose of my thread was not to digress in this direction
Does anyone know what the NRA has done for Crook County Illinois Gun owners?

A curious mind wishes to know while I am trying to decide whether or not to renew my membership.

Seems more like I am paying for the privilidge of receiving solictations.
instead my intention was to inspire thinking more along the lines of
I would make the following suggestion :

Contact your state gun association, who is the local in state NRA affiliate.
I think you will find them most helpful in assisting and resolving your state related issues and CCW issuance matters.

They are the best informed on the state and local issues and will usually respond with positive suggestions on resolving such issues.

That should be a guide in resolving firearms related issues in your state and they usually put out a monthly newsletter that will keep you informed on state & local issues that affect you.

I believe that if we put a spin on JFK's verbiage (ask not what the NRA has done for you, ask what you can do for the NRA) and thought more positively of the NRA and their accomplishments, we could achieve more.

Whether or not the NRA personally assists me, I realize that their significant accomplishments that have benefited us all, have assisted me personally.