NRA and Assaut Weapon ban.


New member
What's the NRA position on the "Assault Weapon" and high-cap mag ban?


Their latest "American Guardian" magazines is good; but they talk kind of funny. They accuse Klint et. al of being the most antigun administration and that the second amendment has been under attack for 8 years; but talk as though we haven't been losing, and that the second amendment must be protected, not restored - that for all the "evil" Klint has done he hasn't managed to trample it yet and is just moving into position.

Is protecting the second amendment keeping the last licenced/registrered boltaction rimfire?

I don't expect us to win in the long run, and to have A/W ban not put back in. But will the NRA fight it, will they fight?



New member
The thing that gets me about the NRA position is that they say it (94 crime bill)was all about cosmetics and didn't really do anything. We all know this is BS. It outlawed guns and accessories designed for self-defense. The NRA has no intention of fighting to regain rights already lost IMHO.


With "Project Exile", they have already proven that Assault Weapons are not a part of THEIR 2nd Amendment. I mean "enforcing existing gun laws" says it all for me. They won't get another dollar from me. Charlton Heston has also said that nobody really needs one of those "things": refering to, of course, assault rifles. To he!! with the NRA!

"Vote with a Bullet."