NPR on Glocks

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Shadi Khalil

New member
When I actually get a chance to drive more than two miles, I like to listen to (flame suit on) NPR. Yesterday I caught most of an interview with a guy that wrote a book called "Glock - Americas Handgun" or something to that effect. From what I heard it was very informative, non biased and made the book sound like a good read. I think the author did some promoting on the firing line a couple months ago. Just wondering if anyone else caught the interview and what they thought.
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New member
The book is titled "Glock - The Rise of America's Gun". It was written by Paul Barrett and is already under discussion in the following thread:

I enjoyed the book, and it's about as unbiased as books about guns come. Keep in mind that it's not really a "gun book" per se; it's a historical treatise about the company and its impact on the American shooting and law enforcement communities, NOT an in-depth technical analysis of the product. It's similar to "The Gun" by C.J. Chivers.


New member
I listened to it today at work. Was going to start a thread on it but OP got in first. I haven't read the book. It was very interesting and the author sounded overall pro-gun but I didn't like their exchange about the guy who shot Rep Gifford only being able to get the gun due to the WEB sunsetting. Not accurate right? Plus the 17 shot Glock was referred to as being made illegal by the AWB. Again not accurate right? Werent the hi cap mags just no longer produced but still legal to own?

Re: NPR...they have some good depth reporting sometimes. Love This American Life.


New member
Annnnnd I see there is another thread on this. Too bad threads couldn't be merged instead of deleting due to duplicates. What's up w that moderators? :)


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I heard part of the interview also. It was surprisingly upbeat for NPR. The books author talked about the interesting connection between an foreign made firearm becoming an American icon. He said he took shooting lessons prior to writing the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. Shooting real guns completely changed his view of what's portrayed on TV. Even the interviewer stated how much fun it was to shoot rifles when she was young at summer camp. She did not inject any anti-gun rhetoric but allowed the conversation to flow in it's own direction.

Shadi Khalil

New member
Chris, thanks for the corrections. Glad to hear a good review as I have been looking for a new book to read.

Before the interview, I had never heard of Carl Walters or the aggressive tactics he used to get Glocks into the hands of PD's all over America. They also spoke about the whole controversy over Glocks being metal detector proof and all the chaos and carnage they would cause once in the hands of international terrorist. It was great the way Glock was able to use that to their advantage.

ForeverM, I found the lack of any anti gun interjections to be surprising and refreshing, especially for a station like NPR. I missed the portion about the interviewer shooting rifles at summer camp.

Shadi Khalil

New member

Is there another thread about the radio interview or the book? My thread is more about NPR doing a good interview on guns rather than just the book.


Bud Helms

Senior Member
Shadi Khalil, carguychris gave you the link above in post #2.

Let's close this one and take the discussion there.

Don H

New member
checkmyswag said:
Annnnnd I see there is another thread on this. Too bad threads couldn't be merged instead of deleting due to duplicates. What's up w that moderators?
Perhaps because generally it's easier/faster to delete or close a thread than it is to move it. And it tends to provide an incentive to posters to check if there is a thread already running on the subject. Just my opinion.
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