NPR and Gun Women

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

Riding home last night, I was pleasantly surprised to hear a nice, factual and positive story about women and guns.

Pointed out women chosing firearms to protect themselves. Indicated how the gun business has had significant increases in women's participation and purchasing and how ranges adapt.

Well Done!

As a side note, I took new to Texas Canadians to the range and now they tell me that when company comes to them, they take them to the range.

See! The world is changing to our benefit.


New member
Thanks for the link. Kudos to NPR for that unbiased piece. Wow... 1/3 of that range's new members are women... Cool...


New member


Remind me to take my mittens and wool socks when I pass...H*ll must have frozen over.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Surprising, NPR has done some good pieces. When I looked for the link, I searched on guns and found some nice interviews with progun folks, etx.



New member
NPR definitely isn't bad. I listen to it all the time. Most of the time the news is presented with just the facts. They usually have both sides equally represented during discussion also.

But anyway, its always nice to hear a story about guns that is positive.


New member
I've had around half a dozen women ask me to take them shooting/teach them to shoot, including my English teacher from 11th grade and a girl who's all about church. I think it's my enthusiasm about shooting that lets them say "hey, i've never done that and i'd like to try."

chris in va

New member
That's funny, I took a family of four Canadians to the range last weekend and they also had a blast. The father couldn't get enough of my CZ 75 pinging steels.


New member
Women are making inroads into what used to predominantly men's activities. Women make up 18% of new Harley Owners. Recently, about 30% of the students in the NRA training courses I have conducted have been female.

Women have made inroads in aviation. Nowadays a Flight Attendant can make a Pilot pregnant. (A little insider aviation humor)

The last woman student I had was so competitive that I actually had a difficult time getting her to concentrate more on shooting technique than where the round was hitting the target as she wanted to make sure she was shooting better than the men.
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